Celaena and Ben

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Hi! This is verrrrrrrry short, I'm sorrrrrry!

Sam and Celaena walked into the room together, his arm around her, holding her close. She looked up at him and asked hesitantly," Is... everyone who died here? Even, even people like Arobynn?" He looked into her eyes, expecting to see some amount of love, or gentility, or kindness when she mentioned the name of their former master, the only father figure Celaena had ever had. But when he looked into those turquoise-gold eyes all he saw when Arobynn was mentioned was rage. Pure, unfiltered rage. " Yes," he said," Arobynn is in this world as well. He... Well, it'll be easier to show you."

Ok, small explanatory A/N here. Do you guys know about the underworld system in Greek mythology? Like the system in Percy Jackson? Same thing here. If you know that you can skip this note. So, there are three parts. Elysium, where the amazing souls go. (which is obviously where Sam, Nehemia and now Celaena are. )Then there is Asphodel where neutral souls go. Last, and least fun is the fields of punishment, which is pretty self explanatory. Also Arobynn is there.

On the way to meet Arobynn, they met another old friend.

" Ben!", exclaimed Celaena and went to hug him. Ben was another assassin who had been in the Guild with them. He had been very kind to Celaena until he was murdered.

Yep, if it sounds familiar, that's how The Assassin's Blade started. With Ben dying.

" Celaena! Wow! You've grown so much! I expect you have quite a story to tell me! Why don't I come along with you, and you can fill me in!"

Celaena nodded and began her story. It was a long one, she began from going to Skull's Bay and ended at the gods. Sam held her hand and squeezed it during the difficult parts of her story. With every sentence she said, Ben was more surprised, astonished and proud of her.

"-and now I'm here," finished Celaena. Ben just hugged her tightly again.

" Ben! I can't breathe!", muttered Celaena, but she hugged him back anyway.

This chapter was originally going to have Arobynn, but my writing speed is currently two words per day.

So, this tiny chapter is all I wrote until now. Sorry! I'll try to update the chapter where Arobynn comes in the next few days? Maybe sooner? Idk...

Anyway, comment your thoughts on this tiny chapter. Again, I'm sorry its so short!

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