Safety and Warmth

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Akechi pov

The intense scent of disinfectant and the sound of a slow heart monitor were what eventually woke me up. I slowly opened my eyes to the bright white of a hospital room. The last thing I remembered was falling asleep...

I turned my head to look around, and I found Akira sleeping on an uncomfortable-looking sofa chair. There was a clock in the room; it read 9:42 A.M.

I was cold...even with the warm blanket covering me. Then I realized that the slow heart monitor was mine. I was hypothermic.

I relaxed my head and looked up at the ceiling. My actions last night were so unlike me...

Then I heard shuffling coming from where Akira was resting. I looked over and noticed he was stretching. He had woken up, and I could tell he was sore. How long had he been here with me, and how long was I here?

"H-how l-l-long was I-I out?" I stuttered so much from shivering, my voice sounded almost alien. Even with how quiet I was, Akira looked over in my direction.

The raven-haired boy directed his attention to his phone to check the time, then back to me. "I'm not entirely sure, but it was at least five hours from what I was told..."

He stood up, strode over to my bed, and sat next to me. "And what was even weirder was how I found out you were taken here," I nodded, letting him continue, "A strange person called me using your phone, and whoever they were, they sounded to be quite worried about you. I tried asking them how they knew you, and they hung up almost immediately."

The only other person I could currently think of who would be that worried about me was...I couldn't think of his name, or face, or even voice...maybe it was just because I was weary due to my low body temperature...

My confused state must have caught Akira's attention because he was gently gazing down at me with a concerned look on his face. "What are you thinking about?" The soft tone of his voice; it caught my attention. Was he really that worried about someone like me?

"I-I don't k-know." I'm still so fucking cold... I could barely think.

Akira took notice of how cold I still was. In reaction, he leaned down and hugged my shivering figure. He was so warm and relaxing.

But the last time I tried to tell someone, I was pansexual...all I could remember was being ridiculed. I felt a blush rush to my face when I fully realized Akira was basically laying on me. I wanted to push him away...but his warmth kept me from doing such. Too cold to care, I guess.

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