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- 𝐶𝑙𝑒𝑜 -

The boys are always over here so this is their second home,  I treat them all as my own

"Oh honey"

She gave me concerned looked

"Well you see he's reall-" I got cut off my jahseh walking down stairs

"You were here this whole time?" He said looking at Natalia

"Gabby was bugging me to see where you went" he said

"Tell her im fine" she said

He walked back upstairs

"Nat Can you pick me up to put this one on" Aiden asked

"Yeah come here" she said

They put on the last block

"Finally" she said wiping fake sweat off her forehead

"Now we knock it over!" Aiden exclaimed

"Hold on let me get a picture of you two" I said taking my phone out

Natalia picked Aiden up and put him on her shoulders

"Smile!" I said talking the picture

"Cuties" I said looking at the picture

"Now Can i knock it over momma" Aiden said coming to see the picture

"Yes you may" I said

The sound of crashing legos echoed around the room making us flinch a bit

"Let's clean up" I sang

We put all the legos back in to the bag and Aiden took it back up to his room as me and Natalia made our way to the kitchen to get some cake


"I learned it today and it's so good I'm going to make a bigger one for Aiden's birthday that's coming up" I said

"Omg this is good!" She exclaimed

"I know right? Like I didn't think it would turn out this good!" I said

"I gotta feed the boys so get all the cake you want before they eat it all" I said getting out plates

She got a little plate and served her self

"Boys come get some cake!" I yelled

The house filled of running footsteps dashing to the kitchen

"Grab a plate and server your selves" I instructed moving out of their way

- 𝑁𝑎𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑎 -
I ate my cake at the empty table then soon started getting filled up with everyone gabby was on one side of me and Isaiah on the other

"Why did you leave me!" Gabby asked

"I don't know" I whispered

She just gave me a look and rolled her eyes

"Nat! I wanna text you can you put your number in my iPad" Aiden asked walking over to the table with his iPad

I heard a few people chuckled I just smiled and put my number in his ipad

Cleo smiled at me and went back to cleaning up the kitchen

"Y'all down to go on a night walk?" Jahseh asked

𝑖 𝑛𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑤𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑦𝑜𝑢// 𝑆.𝐺 Where stories live. Discover now