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The next day

"You'll be okay nat just tell him to meet up with you" gabby said sitting on a bean bag in the corner of the room

"I'm nervous" I whined kicking my legs

"You'll be fine" she said patting my back

Stokeley 🤍

Hey stokes


Are you free today
for maybe a few minutes?

Yeah why?

Could you meet me
at the Park in 10 minutes

Uh yeah what's up
you seem off?

It's nothing

Okay see ya

"Done" i took a deep breath

"You ready?" She asked

"I think" I said

"Put on your shoes on I'm driving you there"


"He's right there go go go!" Gabby said pushing me

I got out and walked up to him

I decided That first I'm going to ask a few things then gradually tell him

"Hi" I smiled looking up at him

"Wassup?" He asked sitting down on a bench

"Um well I wanted to ask a few questions before I tell you what I really brought you here for" I said sitting next to him

"Okay?" He said fidgeting a bit

"Um where do you see your self in the future?" I asked

"Um well hopefully being a bigger rapper" he chuckled

A/N: he just started music!

"Okay um do you plan having any kids in the future" I asked

A weird expression came in his face "uhh yeah not soon though" he said

"Mm what are we?" I asked

"Uh if I'm being honest I don't see you as much, maybe a friend but that's it" he said shrugging

That broke me

I nodded Feeling a bit more nervous

"Um so what I was here to tell you so uh basically you remember all those times we've fucked?" I asked

"Yeah I remember each time perfectly" he chucked "Why?" He asked

"One of those times you uhh got me pregnant" I said gulping

"What?" He asked seeming a bit pissed

𝑖 𝑛𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑤𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑦𝑜𝑢// 𝑆.𝐺 Where stories live. Discover now