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5 months into the pregnancy

Everyone knows, Isaiah and jahseh have been helping me out a lot, nothing much has happened between me and stokeley after that day, I think he's officially with Ava but I'm not 100% sure, It's been rough it really has, today I'm going to be having the gender reveal party with all our friends along with some of my family members


"Okay there we go!" Gabby said putting the last decoration on

"I love it!" I said looking around at the set up we made

"What are you hoping for?" She asked

"Um I honestly don't care as long as they come out healthy" I said

"But which one would you go with if you could pick" She asked

"Um probably a boy" I smiled

she nodded getting the food set up

"The guest should be getting here soon so go get your outfit on hun" gabby's mom said

I walked upstairs to get my outfit on

Your outfit:

I walked down stairs feeling like a whole model

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I walked down stairs feeling like a whole model

"Damnnn nat workkk it baby momma!" gabby said hyping me up

I chuckled

"Get the door gabby guest are arriving!" Her mom called out

We walked to the door greeting everyone as they came in giving hugs and kisses

"Nat you getting big!" Isaiah said touching my belly

"Yeah I know" I chuckled

"What you hoping for?" He asked

"Um idk" I shrugged

"I think it's a boy" he said

"It's a boy, I fucking know it" jahseh said

"Nah it's a girl" trunks added

"Bruh no it's not it's a BOY!" Gabe said

"Definitely a boy" Danny agreed

"We'll see"I chuckled at them arguing


We were eating and laughing at our table

"I tried getting that nigga out here but he said some shit I ain't gonna say" jahseh said

"Who?" Everyone asked

"Stokeley" my smile slowly faded

"Why you have to bring him up?" Trunks said seeing my smile fading

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