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- 𝑁𝑎𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑎 -

It packing day, stokeley went home to get his stuff while I packed my stuff as well as Diego's things

"D what toys do you want?" I asked Diego while I put his last pair of shoes in his bag

"Mmmm dis" he said holding a toy controller

"Put it in the bag buba" I said opening the small pocket for him to put it in


"You got everything you need?" I asked as I let him in

"Yurrr, my cat's with my dad and i got my dog mommah right here" he said showing me his dog in the little travel cage

"Awwww she's cute" I said looking in the cage

"She's crazy" he chuckled

"Dadda phone" Diego said tugging on his pants

"You want my phone?" He asked looking down at him

"Phonee" he whined

"He's gonna break it that's how he broke mine" I said showing him my cracked screen

"Ehh Ion care I need a another one anyways" he said giving him his phone

"Mama YouTube!" Diego said coming up me with the phone

"Go ask you dada" I said



"Shits crazy I'm tellin yah" stokeley said taking another bite of his shrimp Alfredo

"I've never actually been to a concert I'm excited" I said feeding Diego some of his macaroni

"It's fun as hell, you gonna get the whole experience from back stage" he said wiping his mouth

"It's gonna be Diego's first time too, oh and also thank you for taking us with you" I said

"No need to thank me, just wanted to make up a few things to you" he said smiling at me

"Oh I forgot there's gonna be a lot of people coming it's jah,Danny, juice oh wait you don't know him he's a super chill guy you'll get along with him uhh and oh jahs new girl, you heard about his kid gekyume right?"

"Wait he has a kid?" I asked shocked

"Yeah he's around Diego's age" he said looking over at Diego

"Awww they can be friends" I said looking at Diego who was munching on a bread stick now

We looked at each other and smiled


The next day


"Nat wake up" stokeley said nudging me

"Hmm" I groaned

"We gotta get ready for our flight" he said with a raspy voice

A/N: That's smexy 😍

I got up and got ready wearing another smexy outfit 😏

I got Diego who was still asleep and headed out the door with stokeley and mommah


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