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We arrived at the party, I had this bad feeling in my gut but I decided to ignore it and enjoy this time I get with stokeley

"You ready?" He asked putting a hand on my thigh looking me in the eyes

"Yeah" I smiled

We got out walking to the front door holding hands

"Don't get out of my sight okay?" He said

I nodded following him in the house

The house was lit with purple and blue lights flashing, people dancing, girls walking around to every guy they see, and finally the scent of weed and alcohol

We ended up at the table with all the liquors and drinks were at

"You want anything?" He asked grabbing some Hennessy pouring it in his cup

"Um no" I said still thinking about that weird gut feeling I had

"You sure? You not trying to get fucked up?" He asked

I thought for a moment "fuck it" I said grabbing some vodka and a cup pouring a good amount in my cup to satisfy me

He smiled taking a sip from his cup

We walked over to where everyone was dancing and grinding on each other

I started swaying to the music with stokeley by my side

"Aye jahseh bringing Jenesis he's on his way" stokeley said loud enough for me to hear over the music

I nodded continuing to vibe along with the music

About 10 minutes later we met up with jahseh and Jenesis

"You two better not separate, this house is big as hell and I don't need y'all getting lost" jahseh said pointing at us

Me and Jenesis nodded heading back to the drinks so Jen could get some

"Im bout to get fucked uppp!" Jenesis said pouring her drink

I chuckled "WE bout to get fucked up" I said correcting her

After about 20 minutes it started to kick in

I was dancing and swaying to the music with Jenesis laughing and feeling my self

I noticed stokeley and jahseh were sitting on a couch 

A girl was talking to stokeley who was almost half naked, she looked as if she was flirting with him which made me
Jealous making me run over there with Jenesis behind me

"Move" I said pushing her getting on stokeley

"Who are you?" she asked crossing her arms

"I'm his baby mama who tf is you?" I asked mean mugging her

"Well your baby daddy was going to be In the room with me bout to make me his second baby mama" she said smirking making me pissed

"Bitch im bout to smack those fake ass eyelashes off your face!" I yelled getting up

"Your ugly ass can't do shit" she smiled

I smacked causing her to smack me back

"Aye stop!" Jahseh said grabbing my arm

𝑖 𝑛𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑤𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑦𝑜𝑢// 𝑆.𝐺 Where stories live. Discover now