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- 𝑆𝑡𝑜𝑘𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑦 -

"your ready to push" the nurse said to natalia

A rush of excitement went through my body, the journey of being a single father starts today

"Okay so we Can only allow one of you in the room while she gives birth, are you the father?" The nurse  asked pointing at me

I nodded "alright Can you two step out of the room for me, I'll get you guys back in here when everything is done" the nurse said

Jenesis and walked out with gekyume as well as the nurse, leaving me with nat

She's being a bitch right now, she's not talking to me or even looking at me it's making a nigga mad

"How you feeling?" I asked trying to be nice

"Fine" she said avoiding eye contact

I sighed watching as a whole group of doctors and nurses came in the room with all sorts of equipment

"Alright I'm going to need to you to put your legs up here" the doctor instructed her

I watch everything they did carefully

"When I tell you to push, push as hard as you can okay?" The doctor said, I look at nat as she nodded, looking like she was in really bad pain

"Ready push"


I just watched everything happen, it's was cool especially since it's my baby

I zoned out for minute until I heard cries I looked up seeing her, they gave her to natalia, nat was crying as they dried the baby off

She watched as they took her away from her to get her cleaned,

- 𝑁𝑎𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑎 -

I cried into my hand as they took her away, I didn't even give her a name since I knew stokeley would change it anyways

Stokeley went to talk to one of the nurses, she looked back at me and gave stokeley a nod

He sat back down on his phone

Once they got me all cleaned and stitched up I sat up wiping the half dry tears off my face with a damp towel

Stokeley looked up at me, causing us to do a little eye contact for a minute until I looked away

The nurse came in handing stokeley the baby

He looked so happy looking down at her

"Do you have a name for her?" She asked

I looked at him to see what his response was

"Kaia" he said

"Middle and last name?"

"Just Kaia Goulbourne" he said finally looking up from her

"Alright we will come back with her certificate as well as a few other things" she said heading out the room

The room was silent making me uncomfortable

𝑖 𝑛𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑤𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑦𝑜𝑢// 𝑆.𝐺 Where stories live. Discover now