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It's been about an hour since I got here, me and stokeley have been cracking jokes and eating his candy he snuck in with the groceries

"Remember that one day I fucked the shit out of you?" He asked like he talked about that on the normal

"Yeah" I said awkwardly nodding my head

"Want to recreate it?" He asked smirking at me

"Not right now" I smiled

"Later?" He asked with puppy eyes

"Yeah later" I laughed

"Stokey momma said you have to take Barkley on a walk with me" Shiloh said walking in the room

He groaned and got his shoes on
"Come on" he said putting his hand out for me to get up

He got his dog on the leash and we made our way out the door putting a puffy jacket on Shiloh since it was a bit cold

"Shiloh get out of the road" stokeley said with no emotion

"But I want to touch the ice" he said

"Get your ass on the side walk" he snapped

He quickly got on the sidewalk without saying a word

I can't blame him stokeley can sound scary sometimes

"It's cold" Shiloh said rubbing his hands together

"Stop over exaggerating" Stokeley said

"What her name?" He asked pointing at me

"Natalia" stokeley responded

"Um natalia is it cold?" He asked trying to say my name right

"A little" I said

"Seeee stokey!" He jumped a bit trying to catch up with us

"Stop walking fasttt!" He whined

"Walk faster then" stokeley said

"Want me to carry you?" I asked

"Yeah!" He said putting his arms up

I picked him up and catched up with stokeley

He looked kinda mad i don't see why he should be so mad at his little brother like chill

"Your warm" shiloh said snuggling up in my neck

Stokeley looked over at us cracking a little smile

We made it back home


"And this one is Thor!" Shiloh said showing me his collection of toys

"I like Wonder women she's my favorite" I said

"I like batman" he said grabbing Batman

I smiled

"I'm getting tired,how about we play again
tomorrow" I said getting up

"Okay Goodnight Natalia" He said as I walked back to stokeleys room

He was laying down one hand behind his head, while on his phone

"Stokeley" I said walking in

"Hmm" he hummed

"I'm tired" I said

𝑖 𝑛𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑤𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑦𝑜𝑢// 𝑆.𝐺 Where stories live. Discover now