[ 9 ] Oikawa Tooru x Male Ushijima Reader

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Title: Royalty Problems Part 1

Aoba Johsai Kingdom was ruled with a monarchy that listened to their people and concerns and was open about faults, their civilians were able to vote on things such as removal of some taxes as well as have a say of if someone should be put to death or serve time. The kingdom is mainly peaceful and supports it's economy and surrounding villages/cities if they are in any trouble.

Kitagawa Daiichi Kingdom was more traditional in the sense of monarchy but that didn't mean they were making changes on that, they aren't as open as allowing voting for civilians for taxes but it's more that if the taxes were to increase they would list out reasons as to why they are increasing it and how if they aren't able to pay to notify the kingdom so they don't get imprisoned. But of course the family has to have actual and good reasons as well as proof of possible medical injuries that drains the family of finances.

Shiratorizawa Kingdom was nothing like the first two kingdoms, the Ushijima family always ruled the kingdom with an iron fist and gave no mercy to anyone; it was as if the family never knew of the word mercy. Civilians were scared of anyone related to the kingdom and they didn't dare try to attempt to protest a change because a protest or riots would only lead to a massacre of people. The Kingdoms gates were closed off from other Kingdoms and if the Ushijima's find a neighboring city or kingdom they would declare war to take over the kingdom and it's land, resources, and people. The civilians of the Shiratorizawa Kingdom heard that the eldest son was to rule again with an iron fist just like his parents had but were surprised when the youngest Ushijima had made a public announcement declaring the death of his mother, father, and brother and how he is the new ruler and things would forever change in the kingdom. The civilians weren't sure if this was a trick but were reassured when things became less strict in the kingdom and everyone in jail was offered retrials and 80% of people in jail were released to their families as Y/N believed they shouldn't have been there to begin with. More jobs were offered to everyone and even schooling was widely increased. This caused crime rates to drastically drop and things were more peaceful and light hearted in the Kingdom. People even proposed different annual festivals around the kingdom for everyone to enjoy even if they were from neighboring kingdoms and villages. Over time people noticed the king's nice and gentle nature so when a kingdom decided to go to war with Shiratorizawa Kingdom for what they thought would be an easy take of power didn't know Y/N was a wizard and was fighting in the front lines with his army. The royal line for that kingdom fell and the Shiratorizawa kingdom grew even further almost dominating the western side of Asia and still holds strong.

Word traveled fast that the Shiratorizawa Kingdom changed and the Aoba Johsai kingdom wanted to have a meeting to hopefully form an alliance. But the same thing could be said with the Kitagawa Daiichi Kingdom, so Queen Oikawa went to Shiratorizawa and King Oikawa went to Kitagawa Daichi. Y/N had gotten everything to look nice even if it was only the Queen coming he still wanted everything to look amazing even if things already looked perfect and more lively in the castle. "What do you think this meeting will be about? Did I accidentally do something wrong that they want something or else declare war? I really hope not our Harvest Festival is coming up soon and everyone is excited for it..."

"My King please do not worry yourself so much it could be something grander than that like coming to the festival, maybe they believe they need an invitation."

"You're right, that could be it." I take a deep breath to calm myself, "Who knew Mother's lessons would come in handy one day."

"Yes she would never show nervousness or any sort of weakness she was such a stern woman." I could only nod and shudder upon remembering my mother. Wakatoshi was a normal child and was trained to be a master swordsman like my mother, me however had these magical abilities like my father and was seen as a mistake. Mother allowed me to continue my studies with magic as it was proven useful to her kingdom but I was given the bare minimum and I was overlooked by everyone and servants by direct order from my Mother.

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