Chapter 5

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Drew P.O.V

" Aye bruh how much longer do we have to be here" I asked my main man Justin. Sorry let me introduce myself my name is Drew King , me and my nigga justin been in the game since we was 13, all we got is each other Justin's mom gave him up for a bag of crack when he was 8 and i never knew my mom or dad. My grandmother raised me until she died of breast cancer when I was 12. I had no other family and i refused to go to a foster home , then that's when I meet Justin. We slept in parks and stole food from local markets for about four months until we meet a guy named Leo and he took care of me and Justin ever since then and even put us in the game with him, he's our boss but also our dad too. Other then oursleves he's the only person we trust and we got, even though we sell drugs and other things he still makes us go to school everyday. He just recently let us go to school together because i got kicked out my last school for some petty shit and he thinks Justin will keep me out of troble.

" Boss said we got to stay until he calls us" he said drinking his soda

"I'm finna go take a piss ill be back" I told him, I was walking trying to find the bathroom when I felt someone bump into me and fall down "shit" I heard her mumble.

"I'm so sorry ma" I told her, she looked up and it was that girl from school today her and her ghetto ass friends were staring at me and shit today being thristy as fuck. But I cant lie she was bad I might just try to fuck. "Aye you that new nigga in school" she said as i helped her up "yea and you that thirsty bitch that was staring at me " I said not caring that I just called her a bitch, who the fuck do she thinks she is, this her first time talking to me and she called me the new nigga like what the fuck why cant she just ask for my name or some shit.

"I dont know who you think you are but I'll beat yo ass right here for calling me a bitch you don't know me boy" she said looking me in my eye's

"Get the fuck out of here with that shit ,you better get yo hoe ass out my face bitch" i said pushing pass her , when i walked away i felt someone kick me down

" Next time I say don't call me out of my name fuck boy don't do it " she kicked me in my leg and walked away. I was sitting there in shock this bitch just call me a fuck boy, kicked me and walked away. I'll be sure to make that bitch life hell nobody fucks with me and walks away. I didnt even know that bitch name.

Tori's P.O.V

I cant believe this nigga had the audacity to call me a bitch I dont even know that nigga name . I hate when people call me out of my name that is so disrespectful. I was ready to go home I didnt want to be here no more , why was he even here? I found my dad by the bar " Dad i want to go home right now" I told him I was mad as fuck "Why baby girl do you feel sick?" he asked I wanted to slap the shit out of him he know damn well I'm not feeling sick he just wants to pretend in front of his stuck up friends , thats why I hate coming with them places . "I don't know do i look fucking sick to you daddy?" I said to him everyone's eyes got big and his friends start to ask him was he going to let me talk to him like that, like i gave any fucks about what he had to say " Tori where did you learn that kind of lanuage from, go to the car now were leaving" he said trying to be somebody he's not infront of these white folks " I'll find my own way home " I rolled my eye's and walked away I heard me dad say " She's just stressed about all her school work and her extracurricular she'll be fine " and they all bought that bullshit.

When I got out side the house i saw that new nigga and some other boy by a big black truck looks like they was doing some type of illegal shit but that ain't my business. I called Dwayne and told him to come get me and of course my baby said yes that's why I love him cause if I need anything he's always there for me. While l was waiting for Dwayne I looked up and there stood the fuck boy "What" I said rolling my eyes he was the reason i was leaving this party , all I know is that he better not say nothing stupid or disrespectful or im going to really going to go to have go off.

"Look calm down, I just wanted to come over here and let you apologize for your rudeness towards me" he said smiling at me.

"Are you fucking serious?" I asked him he just nodded his head looking down at me "Just because i'm 5'5 that doesn't mean that I won't beat your ass right here , I dont know who you think you are but im not about to apologize to you for shit fuck boy your the one that called me out my name" I said trying to get in his face he is like 6' something I cant really get in his face that good. He just started laughing " You can barely reach my neck trying to get all in my face, I tired to give you the chance" he told "Fuck you " I yelled at him he was finna say something but he was interrupted when a car beeped I looked up and it was Dwayne before he could get out the car I run over to the car and got in "hey baby" I said when i tried to kiss him he dogged me and asked me who was the guy I was talking to I told him it was just one of my dad's friends son's, he just nodded and kept driving. "We going to my house" he said I just nodded my head.

Dwayen P.O.V

I just pick my girl up and when I came and got her she was talking to some nigga and they was all up in each others face and shit , I was finna get out and beat this nigga ass for being in my girl face like that. But before I could get out she run and got in the car "hey baby" she said and tried to kiss me I dogged her and asked who was that nigga she was talking to she said it was one of her dad's friends son's I just nodded I know she lying she fucking with him "We going to my house" I told her.

We was laying on my bed and she was laid across my legs, I looked at her for a minute then kicked her of the bed "What was that for " she yelled at me "Tori you better sit yo ass done and remeber who I am" I told her calmly she looked mad as hell but she set her ass down she know better "Why you always lying to me" "What are-" i cut her off "Did i tell you to talk?NO I dont think so shut the fuck up" it was quite for about two minutes "You cheating on me " she shook her head no...I looked at her for a long time and slapped her , she started crying and that's when i snapped back. " Tori baby i'm sorry" I said running over to her , I didn't mean to hurt her it's just that I don't want her to leave me for some other nigga, I picked her up and put her on the bed and started kissing her and put her to sleep if you know what I mean.

3 Hours late 11:00

I was laying down watching Tori sleep, I really love her it's just that I treat her so bad sometimes she just might leave me and I really dont want that . If she ever tried to leave me i'd beat her to death and im dead serious. If I cant have her no one can....She's mine forever.

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