Chapter 11

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Tori P.O.V

      Drew was trying to help me into the car but I really didn't want his help so I started yelling at him to leave me alone and that I could do it myself, "No you cant" He said then picked me up and put me in his car. I didnt fight him because my legs really did hurt. He got in the car and started driving "Hope you know you not staying at my house when we get there"I said looking at him , he didnt say nothing he just kept driving "I know you heard me talking to you boy" I said a little louder this time he still didn't say nothing so i just didnt say nothing nomore. While he was driving to my house he made a turn that was opposite of my houes. I started to painic... Why would khali trust him to take me home this nigga might kill me everybody know he dont like me. "Where are you going my house is the other way... I swear if you try anything I will kill you"I yelled at him "Tori aint nobody finna do nothing to you espcillay not me ok.. now you can calm down " he said in a calm manner "Where are you taking me then .. I really wanna go home to be honest  I dont know or trust you" I told him watching his every move "Look I'm not about to hurt you I have many reason to but I'm not ...I was taught never to put my hands on a female" he said looking my way for a quick second . We kept driving until we pulled up to a little cafe deep in south central , even though I live in the rich part of Los angles it doesn't bother me coming over here I use to live just like this in Atlanta before I moved here

"Do want me to help you out or you wanna do it yourself" he said looking at me

"Nethier ok just take me home I know khali is worried and your not even old eoungh to be out driving this late its almost 12:00" I said with an attitude

"Look I havent said nothing about you having an attitude with me since we left the hospital because of what happened to you tonight and i really dont want to yell at you but you got to stop, i'm trying to be nice to you and khali already knows that where here..Now do you need help getting out the car?" he asked seriously "Yea" i said lowly. He came around the car and help me walk to the inside of the cafe and then we sat down, he was doing something on his phone then a lady came over and asked us what we wanted to eat she looked in her 40's she was short with long brown hair and she was like brown skin ,the why he was talking to her it seemed like they knew each other but i didnt ask nothing. I wasnt even talking he orded our food then left, i was just sitting ther i was very uncomfortable "Relax Tori aint nobody going to do nothing to you while i'm scared of being in the hood rich girl" he said trying to make me laugh , but it wasnt working at all. "Aint nobody scared drew you don't know nothing about me" I rolled my eyes at him ... I really just want to go home already. "Well excuse the fuck out of me ...tell me about yourself since i dont know nothing about you" He said "No I rather not " I said looking out the window that next to me. That lady came back "Here's ya food baby...Do your dad know you out this late drew?" She asked him looking at me then looking back at him "Yes ma'am" he smiled at her "Mhmm well y'all enjoy y'all food"She told us and walked away. Drew started eating , this boy was eating like he aint ate in days "Slow down yo food not finna run away boy"i said looking at him like he crazy "My bad" He laughed

"Is that lady related to you or sum" i asked while eating my food "Why sould i tell you wont tell me nothing about you all i know is your name" he said looking up . He had point there, i'm stuck with him anyways i might as well talk to him "If i tell you about me.. you have to do the same " I told him "Deal you first' he said 'No you frist ... you the one wanna be all buddy buddy" i said he started laughing "True .. ok so what you wanna know?" he asked "Who is that lady to you" I asked

"She's my aunty...any more questions?" i said drinking his apple jucie "Yea..why you come to the  hospital and we dont even like each other?' i asked him , he looked at me like i was crazy then his eyes softened "Well actullay i'm the one who took you to the hospital" he said looking at me , i started to fell weird because he saw me like that i barely had any colthes on...i hate when people see my weak side like it makes me feel like they lose respect for me. "oh" i said quietly "Can we go " i asked quietly again "Yea come on" he helped me to the car and started driving to my house. When we got to my house i saw the lights on they all must still be up, i was about to get out the car but the doors locked "Wtf man can you please let me out the car" i sighed "Wait you never let me ask you a question" he this nigga serious i jsut want to go inside and rest "Hurry up i'm tired" i told him "Why you get in the car with that nigga the other night and you knew he was going to hurt you" He said looking right at me, he caught me off graud with that "Its none of your busisness so therefore i dont have to tell you" i said looking down , i dont like talking about the past escpilly when it wasnt a good moment "I understand you dont want to talk about, but one day you will have to talk about it tori " he said "Just shut up and open the door damn" I said , I could tell he was mad but i didnt care at all.

I limped my way into the house , when i walked in shayla and cassidy ran over to me helping me up the staris. I'm happy to have friends like them, they always got my back and i will always have their's. I went to go sit on my bed and they just stared at me "What?" i pretended to be confused i know why they were looking at me like that. "T why didnt you tell us or somebody what he was doing to you" shayla said about to cry her emotional ass "Yea T he could have killed you tonight " Cassidy said looking at me with sad eyes "But he didnt so it dont matter, I'm never seeing him again so it dont matter he not finna hurt me no more...and y'all better not tell nobody not even my parents or y'all parents im serious." I said looking at Cassidy cause she cant hold water. "You got to tell yo parent , they can get you some help ya know like some one to help you get past this" Shayla said "See this why i didnt tell nobody because yall think i need help ,when i dont i'm fine ..lets just act like this never happened ok" i told them . "But -" i cut shayla off "But nothing it never happened lets just move on ok i dont want to talk about it " I said once again. They finally give up and said ok , it was 2 in the morning shay, cassy, and justin fell asleep . I dont know where drew went i hope he went home , i was talking to khali he said they when my parents get back i better tell them everything or he's telling them.

I was sitting up in my bed thinking about every thing that happened right here in this very spot i'm happy khali cleaned up the mess or i would have been crying even more than i already am. I couldnt stay in my room no more, when ever i closed my eyes i saw dwayen raping me i just couldnt take it i got up and left the room to go to one of the guess rooms i want to go in the room with shayla but when i opened the door she was in there with khali ole ugly ass and i'm not going with cassy she a wild sleeper . I opened a door to the other room and Drew was by the window on the phone "Can you call me when y'all get him i want to the first one to beat his ass......I'll talk to you later thanks dad" he said then hung up wonder what that was about. I opened the door some more"I thought i said you can stay in my house" I told him ,"Trust me if it wasnt so late i wouldnt be here" he said sitting down on the bed "why you in here anyways .. i thought you went to sleep" he said looking at me "I can be in here this is my house" i said with a little additued "Yea ok ... i know why your up tho you can sleep in that room" he said looking at me with sad eyes "Dont look at me like that" i said lowly "You sleep in here i dont mind i'll go down staris" he said about to walk out the door , i grabbed his hand "Wait stay here i really dont want to be in here by myself "I told him, he asked me was i sure and i told him yes.I know i dont like him but i really need some one to talk to and he is the only one here.We were talking and i found out he's not that bad as i thought.I learned alot about him he's like a really cool down to earth person, I dont know how but i ended up laying in his lap "Drew" i said to see if he was up "yea" he replied in a sleepy voice"I'm sorry for they way i be talking to you and treating you, i know we had some problems in the past but thats the past i dont even care no more." i told him "I'm sorry too for calling you out of your name and getting in your face and making you feel worst then you already do" he said as he played in my hair "Thank you drew" i told him "for what" he asked confused "For protecting me the other night and helping me out tonght you didnt have to you could have let me died twice but you didnt saved my life not once but twice I really owe you one" i told him. "Its cool ma you dont owe me nothing it was just the right thing to do ,we cool now so we go to sleep i know your tired " he said, "Goodnight drew" i said. I fell asleep just like that.

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