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"Are you going to help us?"The mother asked as she held her children close to her body protectively, I looked up at her and gave her a quick nod as we sat together at the back of the van, we were being abducted, her and other girls.

I was undercover though with Nakia.

The van then stopped which made me look at Nakia strangely, it was not a part of the plan, we heard them talking outside the van about being under attack.

"Stay here or you will get shot!"The man demanded as he pointed a gun at us which made the other women squeal and hid their faces.

The man smirked and looked at me smugly.

"You're a brave one, never flinch. Beautiful too."he said caressing my face with his hand gun, he then got distracted by a few gun shots that went on outside which made me bend all his bullets out of his gun and punch him in the face.

I jumped out of the Van with him, he pointed his gun at me and pulled the trigger, he panicked once he noticed that there were no bullets coming out.

I then created a hole and pushed him in the ground, making sure the soil was hard, I looked up to see two more guys with guns, I created water spikes and pinned them against trees, I bended their bullets out of their guns and tossed them aside I walked back only to bump into someone in which I reacted quickly and swang my fist but he reacted quickly and caught my fist.

"T'Challa? What are you doing here?"I asked as I lowered my fist staring at the love of my life, well him in his Black Panther suit.

"Lela..."he started but before he could finish I heard a couple of foot steps and I saw a couple of these abductors again.

T'Challa and I quickly got into out defense positions, we then charged towards them.

I stepped on the ground hard and lifted my hands making boulders come from the ground, I threw a couple at them as a distraction and T'Challa attacked them, knocking them unconscious.

I then looked up at him and smiled, I couldn't resist any longer I ran towards him and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I missed you my love."I mumbled against his neck with a smile on my face.

"Could you guys have the reunion later?" Nakia asked as she looked behind us to see more guys with guns, I then touched T'Challa's suit so I could absorb the Vibranium and I got into defense mode.

I stared at all the guys and bended all their bullets out of their guns "You should really learn how hand-in-hand combat, guns are rather useless."I said as I bended all their guns away which made them shiver in fear.

I then made holes and shoved them all in the ground.

"Well that was rather easy, we should go with you more often, Lela."I smiled and looked at Okoye who had her hand on my shoulder with a small smile.

"Well, Okoye you know that I would love to but your prince here never wants me to."I said as I crossed my arms like a child which made Okoye laugh.

"It is far to dangerous."T'Challa said as he walked towards the men to ask them more questions.

I walked to the back of the truck and gave the women and child a comforting smile.

"It is all over, you may go home. I will call authorities to arrest these men and they will be put to jail for life. Good luck."I said as I helped them out of the truck.

I then felt a dozen of arms around my waist only to see the little kids hugging me tightly which made me hug them back.

"Thank you for saving us ma'am."

"No problem sweetheart. Be good to your mama alright?"she nodded and placed something in my hand before closing my hand once again.

"You're my role model, miss."she said before she ran to your mother's said who gave me a smile before she left.

"Well that was eventful."I said as I opened my hand only to see a small plastic ring that made me smile and look back at the families walking away.

"Let's go home."Okoye said summoning the ship that came shortly after she announced that, I climbed into the ship along side T'Challa who had his arm around my waist.


"Thank you for packing me clothes."I said to T'Challa as I walked towards him in the ship "Are you going to tell me why you interrupted our mission?"I whispered in his ear which meant that we must go talk privately aside.

He got up and led me to the back of the ship, he looked down giving me a somber look.

"My love?"I asked as I frowned, I placed my hand on his cheek "What's wrong?"

"My father he passed away and I want you to be there for my Coronation."he said which made me nod immediately.

"Of course T'Challa, I wouldn't miss it for the world."I said before I pecked his cheek and hugged him tightly "I am so sorry you lost your father."

I watched the sun rise with Nakia with a big smile, it was the best thing when it came to Wakanda the sun always looked so beautiful. I stepped closer to the window to see people herding their cattle which made me feel at home.

"My favorite part."I announced as I looked back at Okoye like a kid on Christmas. Okoye smirked at me and nodded before she controlled the ship and made it fly into the dome that protected Wakanda I smiled and looked around the beautiful, busy city.

We finally reached the palace where we saw the Dora Milajes, Queen Mother and Shuri standing there. I smiled and took T'Challa's hand as we walked out of the ship.

"My Queen, Princess Shuri."I said excitedly as I embraced them both tightly "I am sorry for your loss."I sadly said as I gave them a small smile.

"Don't worry my darling. You and Nakia should go get changed for the coronation, your outfits are in your rooms."I smiled and bowed before I did the Wakandian salute.

"Take Nakia and Lela to their rooms."Okoye formally announced to her Dora Milajes.

"Of Course."Ayo said before she nodded, Okoye slammed her staff on the floor which dismissed the Dora Milajes and made them lead us to the Palace, I looked back at T'Challa and gave him a small smile before I continued walking.

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