Words & Phrases definition

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Most of the words, definitions and phrases used in this book were created by the author of this story.
1. Clain: 
     A tropical shapeshifter of the South Supernatural world. They usually reside in rainforests and mostly consist of men.

2. Fain:
    A supernatural vampire who is able to fly, use magic, present him/ herself as a human and teleport through the realms of the human and supernatural world without changing their form.

3. Fainsland:
       The territory of the Fains. All the Fains reside here and are ruled by their supreme King Auther.

4. Gloan:
    A breed of vampires with Fain and Posytyve blood. They are heartless vampires who crave dominance  over the Fains and the entire earth.

5. Igei:
    A species with Pixel and Fain genetics.

6. Oglar:
Small human like beings with with wings and magical powers. They ruled the supernatural world in the first ages.

7. Orbyt:
An Orbyt is a small crystal that the Fains use to keep an eye on the human world.

8. Paradon:
To be half dead.

9. Pixel:
Cunning women soldiers who uses magical transparent coats in battle to over throw their enemies. They are squatters and have no land of their own.

10. Sensies:
      The word used for being aroused.

11. Slome:
      A small room supernatural beings take with them to sleep in when they go camping. It can be folded like a blanket and packed in a camping bag.

12. Teec:
     This is like a tracker, it's a clear liquid every vampire is born with. It allows their parents to know where their offsprings are, and sense when they're in danger. There are only two people who can remove it, Sara and the parents.

13. The moon's birthday:
       The night werewolves level up. They're magical powers are increased and they become stronger.

14. Venin:
         The deadliest insect in the supernatural world. Once it bites a supernatural creature, all his/ her's power is drained, but the Venin dies soon after because it is too weak to control the power it takes from the person it bites.

15. Water fall of light:
       Where the guardian of islands princess Sara resides. The thin line that separates the  human side of the earth, and the supernatural side of the Earth.

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