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Ashton's POV

Riyan, Aaron and I saw the entire encounter of Arinya with the stalker from a distance. When I saw that he has a knife in his hand it made all three of us tensed. He tried to pull a filthy stunt by trying to cut the strap of her dress and it made my blood boil in rage. My heart stopped for a second when I saw that Arinya gripped the knife in her fist but I felt so proud of her too for the courage she showed in the moment. But she's definitely getting an earful for putting herself in danger like that.
Even, in reality too she may seem fragile but she is very strong because not all fights are fought with muscle strength, some are supposed to be tackled with mind and she does it intensely.

I didn't wait for another second and started walking towards them. Riyan and Aaron followed me from behind. She pushed the man and started running without having any clue as to where she was going. Eventually she bumped into me and I just couldn't resist myself to engulf her in an embrace and comfort her. I felt the sudden urge to provide her the feeling of warmth and safety. Moments later I felt her crying her heart out and a foreign feeling rose in my chest. I only wanted her to feel safe in my arms but looking at her while she had a mental breakdown made me sad too. I didn't want to see her cry but only happy. I have seen her nervous, anxious, worried mostly but she never broke down in front of me like this even though she was walking through a living hell everyday.
And who knows what else she has hidden in that pure heart of hers that she's dealing all by herself.

I saw her bleeding hand and I got immensely worried. The cut seemed pretty deep so I tied my handkerchief until she gets her hand treated. When I saw that bastard's face, I lost my temper and charged punches after punches on his face.
That jerk of a human definitely had the worst beatings of his life, well he utterly deserved each one of that. When he confessed that he did all of it just for money, I had full intentions on making him regret this decision for the rest of his life. I know that money is a major necessity these days but stooping down to such a level where you tend to ruin someone else's whole life is beyond shameful.

But before I could beat him anymore, I heard something I didn't expect at all. The unexpected surprise Arinya gave me by calling me out by my name made all the cells in my body dance in excitement. I know it wasn't the right situation to think of something like that but the way she said my name, it sounded so sensuous. I loosened my grip on that dirt bag and let him go. We maintained eye contact for several seconds and the electricity running through me was making it dangerously hard for me to stand still.

When the stalker uttered the truth, I hinted Arinya to step ahead and give that piece of shit what he deserves. She hesitated at first but eventually stepped in front of the stalker. She slapped him so hard that it showed how much emotional pain and fear she had suffered these past days. I wonder what else she's going through silently and courageously that's hidden behind those deep beautiful eyes.

But there's still a filthy human out there who either wants to hurt Arinya or wants something from her. Who can be that? How is he related to her?
I didn't have answers to a lot of questions but all I knew was that I wanted her to be happy and I'll help her till the end.

When I asked her to get her hand treated at her home she instantly refused which bugged me. I perceived that there's a lot more to the story. Maybe a battle that she's certainly fighting alone. I announced that we are going to my penthouse and I asked Riyan to call the doctor by then to the penthouse. We walked towards where our cars were parked and headed to my penthouse.

The sun had gone down by the time we reached at my place. Riyan and Aaron too wanted to accompany us but Arinya told them to go and enjoy the rest of the day. She continuously apologized to both of them and specifically Aaron as today was his inaugural party day. She reasoned that because of her they had to deal with all the drama which all three of us found completely absurd. We ourselves wanted to help her out. The two men still insisted on coming but she was still in denial.

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