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Happy New Year, you lovelies

Arinya's POV

God knows why and how I got myself fooled into trusting Natalia and David of all people. Apparently it's not just the two of them who backstabbed me in a ridiculously ungracious manner, even Josephine was involved with them. Even though I've never been mean to Natalia and David for no reason but at some point we've shared a bad equation. The thing that came as a massive shocker for me was Josephine's involvement in all this. I just can't wrap my head around anything that's happening with me, well, literally and figuratively as my head's spinning and nothing makes sense to me.

The last thing that I remember was when I blacked out in the car. When I regained consciousness I found myself lying on a very dirty and ragged couch. I coughed hard due to the smell of alcohol and smoke, basically the smell that I hate intrinsically. The room was dimly lit due to sunlight and it was quite dusty. Since I am claustrophobic I started to feel shortness of breath. I tried to get up to find a way out of here.

"Sit back honey..." I recognised David's voice. Until now I hadn't realised that Natalia and David were sitting on another couch on my right.

"Where have you...brought me.." I managed to say in between coughs.

"Definitely where I wanted you to be..." He stood up and marched upto me. "With me." He whispered in my ear and a chill ran down my spine.

I took a step back from his filthy presence. I sniffed some dust particles and started sneezing as well.

"David you sure, you wanna have fun with this loser." Natalia's voice boomed in the room. She stood up and splashed water on my face with a great force.
"Shut that irritating voice of yours bitch."

"Nats behave." David retorted and she just crossed her arms graciously and tilted her head as if she's here for modelling.

I panted frantically at the sudden water attack that just happened. I choked on air and coughed even harder.
David took the water bottle from Natalia and offered me but I didn't take it. 

"Have it, it's not poisoned." David said annoyingly but I just tossed it away from me.
I'd rather choke and die but won't take his help. Who knows what's going on in his dirty mind.

"Suit yourself." He replied.

Lord, what have I gotten myself into. Please help me get out of here.

My anxiety was on it's peak and my throbbing head wasn't helping the situation either. Additionally, the cherry on the cake was that nobody knew about my whereabouts so there's no way I can seek for help.

"Wait where's my phone." I thought to myself.

I started to find my phone in my pockets with shaky hands. Thankfully I found it. I was about to call Elle but David saw me tapping on my phone and rushed towards me.

"Don't act smart." He attempted to snatch away the phone from my hand but I retaliated and tried my best to call anybody I could.

Call it my worst luck or worst day as before I could do anything he pushed me backwards and I landed on the couch. David hovered over me but I extended my arm backwards to not let him take away my phone. Natalia marched towards me and snatched away the phone while I was struggling with David's presence. She kept my phone on the coffee table and with every ounce of energy in me I tried to reach upto that. David again pushed me backwards on the couch and with that my last hope of calling someone for help also got vanished.

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