I'm a Belieber

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There in the door way Justin was standing.

"Well?" He asked me.

"Come in?" I asked him.

He sat down on my white couch.

"So? Why are you here?"

"I came to pick up Jazzy" I looked at him and crossed my arms. Then I went up stairs to my room to tell Jazzy Justin came to pick her up, but she was asleep. I heard Derrick Cry I picked him up from his Crib and turned of the music.

I went down stairs where Justin was sitting.

"She fell asleep, on my bed so if you want to get her then go ahead."

I set Derrick down on the ground and he started crawling to where Justin was. He stood up grabbing the couch next to Justin. Derrick Smiled at him, Justin smiled back. I sat down in the couch next to Derrick who Justin decided to carry.

"You know I love you" I said making Justin look up at me.

I continued talking.

"I'm a Belieber, I love my Belieber sisters I know they still send me death threats but I don't blame them. I love you for you not for your money, Justin. I don't need publicity, I don't want people in my life stalking me. I feel in love with Kidrauhl, the boy who sang in the Avon Theater who chased his dream. The boy who was so simple and would used to joke with his fans. I know you still joke with your fans but, it's not the same. All this Jelena problem and it just gets to some Belieber's head and they leave."

He begun talking "My fans leave but my Beliebers stay with me forever" I looked at him.

"I know Justin but look at your self, you lost a lot of weight, you wear all these gold chains, and you drink a lot. I'm not saying you changed I know you grew up it's normal, but why so fast. You threw papers at me you called me names. I just don't know what to say to you, Justin. If I didn't love you so much I just" I put my face in my hands.

"I hate my self for not forgetting you, I hate my self for not stoping my self from still loving you and caring for you. I know Derrick loves you and your music but, him and I are good we don't need help. I don't need you anymore I just can't get over the fact that you where my everything, my idol. I fangirled with every little tweet." I giggled.

"I remember when you would tweet at night and creep on us and I couldn't sleep because you where on. I would fall asleep in the middle of class and I would get detention. Everyone knew I was in love with you." A faint smile creeped on his face.

"But it's funny how something's change so fast. I just want you to tell me you don't love me so I can move on with my life and you can too. I won't bother you like I promised you and I don't brake promises and I don't Lie"

I looked at him he gave me a confused look. He had Derrick in his arms asleep. His lips departed but Jazzy came down the stairs before he could say anything.

"Justy!!" She ran to him but he kept his eyes on me and then looked at Jazmyn and smiled at her.

"Hey! I came to pick you up let's go home." I took Derrick of his hands. He looked so peaceful I looked down at him and kissed him. Justin looked at me and Derrick "I'll come by tomorrow if that's ok?" He asked me almost in a whisper. I got shocked but I nodded in agreement. Jazzy hugged me and gave Derrick a kiss and then they left.

I set Derrick down on his crib and I went to my room.

I'll never let you Go❤(Justin Bieber Love story)Where stories live. Discover now