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A/N - In this story, the muffinteers live as their minecraft skins inside of minecraft/a fantasy world similar to it, rather than in real life. Just to clear things up!

Badboyhalo's life wasn't very complex. Living with his friends on a small plot in the middle of nowhere and having the same job to do every day wasn't exactly...exciting, to say the least. But he liked it that way, a quiet, simple life was something he enjoyed.

Until today. 

His day started out relatively normal, waking up a little later than he'd like. He rubbed his sleep-ridden eyes and yawned before looking out the window. The tall grass was stirred only by what he assumed was a gentle breeze. He could tell by experience, and the position of the sun in the sky, that it was around eleven or twelve in the morning. Strange. He hadn't gone to sleep very late the previous night, and he usually woke up around eight-thirty or nine. But even after getting about ten hours of sleep, he still felt tired. His eyes were heavy and his limbs ached but he shook his head, brushing it off as sleeping in a weird position or something along those lines. Or perhaps it was his previous all-nighter finally catching up to him. 

It didn't matter, Bad still forced himself out of bed and smoothed out the cherry red bedsheets, methodically going through his morning routine as if it was all scripted and rehearsed. He finally sat down for breakfast, downing a glass of water to chase the minty aftertaste of toothpaste from his mouth before pouring himself a bowl of cereal. It seemed that his other three friends had long since left to go about their daily tasks. Dream worked on finishing off their nether hub while George continued on building his house. That left him, who overslept, and Sapnap, the latter having started a large automated Redstone wheat farm so they wouldn't have to harvest and plant wheat by hand. 

Bad, personally, had to feed their farm animals, replant the wheat, go mob grinding and patch up creeper holes. Sure, it wasn't as labor-intensive as the other three, but the amount that he had to do sort of balanced it out. He'd maybe go to the nether later, to get blaze rods or perhaps go mining for more iron and possibly diamonds. First, though, he had to actually start. 

With that in mind, he washed the bowl and put it back in the cabinet, fed his dog Lucy, and exited his house with his hood around his shoulders. By this time, it was already midday. The sun laid thick slices of heat across his shoulders that were only amplified by his dark clothing. Bad rolled up his sleeves and pushed his hand up through his dark hair, shaking his head. He didn't recall the sun being that bright. 

He continued along the pressed grass path, their farm cropping up in the near distance. 

As he approached and pushed the fence gate open, he shuddered. A nervous chill raced down his spine and anxiety bloomed in his chest, as if something was wrong. But it didn't look like anything was wrong, the farm was normal. As were the cows in their pens, everything was so familiar, he could navigate it with his eyes closed. But he still felt as if he was in a foreign place, the landscape unfamiliar and cold. 

He once again shrugged off the off vibe he was getting. Sleep deprivation back at it again, even though he didn't stay up late yesterday. He instead reverted his gaze to the cattle mooing rather miserably. He felt a bit bad, and made a mental note to expand their pen later when he had time. Anyways, he opened up his inventory, shuffling through a few useless items he had just lying around before he found the stack of wheat he was looking for. He tossed it into the plow and watched as the livestock eagerly went up to it. He didn't bother to stick around and moved on to the sheep and pigs. 

Once all the animals were fed, he went on to gather wheat for bread and a few other things. He crouched and started harvesting and replanting the seeds that he got in return. His boots crunched in the dirt as he plucked his way through the field, making sure to not step on any of the crops. 

I could've been finished by now. He thought. It seemed like only a mild inconvenience, but if he hadn't woken up so late, he would've been much more productive today. He could have gone mining by now and gotten them more iron for armor and weapons, or diamonds to complete his set. So much time was lost, time he would likely never get back.

Several hours had passed before he began to get close to finishing his grueling task. He huffed, taking a long swig of water. Sweat had accumulated on the back of his neck and in the palms of his hands. His fingernails were encrusted in dirt and grime. It felt as if they'd crack if he dug around any longer.

His head was throbbing, and his knees whined from being crouched over for so long, but he couldn't just leave the small patch of wheat. He had to continue...a bit more, at least until he could clear the field. Bad smiled to lift his spirits and trudged onward, but the air was beginning to taste different. Something stale and dark lingered on his tongue. 

A cold gust of wind whipped through his hair. He stiffened. 

The throbbing in his head began to worsen, accompanied by a high pitched ringing in his ears. He swallowed thickly before glancing down at his hands.

Just staring at them made him feel dizzy- and wait, why was the wheat, previously brown, now a canopy of colors? He massaged his temple as black spots began to dance across his vision. The ringing in his ears grew louder, followed by a very faint whispering. 

I need to go back. I need to go back. I need to—

The voice was encouraging him to leave, pushing him away from his job with its cold tendrils. Suddenly, his surroundings looked very unwelcoming. Pricks of anxiety bloomed in his chest. 

Something pressed down against his throat as he turned to stumble away. The ground seemed to sway beneath his feet and his heart pounded in his ears. 

A root sunken into the ground catches his foot, forcing him to the ground abruptly. 

His breath hitched as he felt his knees make contact with the ground with a harsh thud, before everything went dark. 

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