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A/N: 🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝

Bad's mind remained relatively cleared the past few weeks. After Void broke down and poured their past and emotions out into the forest, he really didn't blame them. They just needed a break, was all. He understood and wasn't complaining, either. He could act, well, normal. His friends didn't ask, he could do work without passing out from a sudden migraine and he could play manhunt and lose to dream an he didn't even care. Because it was routine. It was normal for him.

And it made him happy. A happiness that he wasn't faking to stop Void from taking over and killing everyone he loved, even though his deal with the blood god specified that they wouldn't get hurt. Maybe they would finally leave him be. Maybe they could even be friends, and ditch the blood god all together.

But. Of course. He always spoke too soon. Way too soon.

They were getting patched up after another manhunt. Bad was tightly bandaging his scraped knee, a health potion in his inventory. Dream had taken his hoodie off and was sewing another patch onto its stitched surface. Bad wondered, sometimes, why he liked that hoodie so much and refused to give it up despite the fact that it was terribly faded and covered with patches of various shades of green that didn't quite match the original color. Or how in some places their were still stains of dirt and blood from past battles. Perhaps it was something personal- he was always so mysterious.

George had his arm in a sling thanks to a nasty fall, and Sapnap was doodling what Bad could only assume were naughty things (dicks lmao) on it while George smacked him away with a chuckle. Bad couldn't help but, for the first time in a while, laugh as well. An honest chuckle that was so contagious that the other three joined in, and they were all smiling and happy and wiping tears from their eyes as Dream did his iconic tea-kettle wheeze that sent them all again.

They didn't actually say anything, it was just silent communication between him and the boys. Just a bunch of good friends having fun together and enjoying each other's company despite how drastically different they were. And it made him happy, made him want to get up and hug them all before Sapnap charged into him and made them all fall over into a dog pile.

But, of course, good things never lasted.

It hit him like an oncoming train. Knocked the breath out of his lungs and made his vision go black. When he regained his senses...he couldn't move. His eyes hurt, everything hurt, but he couldn't move. He choked whenever he tried to speak.

Void..? What's happening?

He received no response. And watched in horror as he moved without command, wounds healing and bandages falling away as he stood, reaching for the sword strapped to his back. George snapped to look at him. His voice was so far away.

"Bad? Are you okay?" He asked. Dream reacted first, jolting to his feet. He knew what was goin on before Void could make a move. He drew a diamond blade from the scabbard at his waist. "That's not Bad. That's not Bad." His tone was, dare he say, fearful? His eyes darted around the room. "See those eyes? They're yellow. Bad's eyes are green."

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