𝟘𝟠 | 𝕗𝕒𝕦𝕩

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"A bit too short of a while, I'd say." They snapped, voice deadly calm. Bad inhaled sharply- it didn't reflect on his body, of course, because currently, Void was piloting with no plans to let go any time soon. His shoulders tensed, as if Void was getting ready to make him jump at Techno. The latter just grinned, sharp canines exposed.

"How crude. We used to be best friends, remember?" Whatever was speaking- wether it was Techno or the demon that was pulling his strings, Bad felt that it was making Void mad. Really mad. His fingers trembled, curling tightly into fists. He had to do something. Now.

He tried to concentrate, drawing up all the willpower he could possibly muster to regain control. He tried unclenching his hands, and, shockingly enough, Void's grip weakened. It lasted for around five seconds, where his composure balanced out. It was the only limb he could properly manipulate- and even then, he met resistance. It was a start- he still couldn't speak or move, as if his shoes were nailed to the floor, but if all went accordingly...

"You.." Technoblade interrupted his thoughts, his tone annoyingly nonchalant. As if they were discussing childhood memories or something- memories that had cost him the small amount of control he had.

George moved from his place against the wall, reaching for the sword at his waist. "We have to do something- Bad looks like he's about to murder someone, and it's not any of us. Hell, I don't even think it's Bad who's talking. Whatever that..thing is, it's keeping Bad from leaving or doing something." His tone was urgent, eyes bouncing between the standoff behind dark tinted glasses.

Wilbur extended an arm to stop him, eyes solemn. "Don't interfere. An interaction between two demons will only end in bloodshed if we do something. I know Techno wouldn't want that to happen. He'll come back 'round...I hope."

Their voices grew muffled as Techno continued. Almost braggingly.

"Me, and-" Bad had to physically put his foot down before he jumped. He swallowed, hard, opening his palm and clutching his chest. He had to get out. He had to leave before he hurt someone.

"I have to go. Before this gets out of hand." His voice trembled and his entire figure shook as he turned on his heels, gathering barely enough strength to open the door before he fled, running as fast as his legs, stiff and tired, could possibly carry him. The others would understand his sudden departure, right? He'd gather his thoughts, and then he'd return to try and explain. But first, he had someone to talk to.

He slowed down when he reached the edge of a thick wooded forest, collapsing back against a tree and breathing shallowly. Void? He asked, hoping for some kind of response. Void. Get out here, please. He didn't really expect them to reply, but his mind cleared as the area in front of him darkened. When they appeared, they refused to meet his gaze.

"Void, are- are you okay? What was he talking about? I-" Void cut him off, not looking up as they spoke. He sounded desensitized to the subject.

"My sister. He's talking about my sister." They started, shoving their hands in their pockets. "11307, me and my sister Lilith were all great friends- well, moreso him and Lilith, but he made her happy so I didn't really care too much. Until she got deployed- when Technoblade summoned the Blood God, he sold his humanity in exchange for combat prowess. So, my sister was sent off to make sure he killed one person per day, which thus lead to the creation of Skywars and Bedwars." They looked at him to make sure he was paying attention. Bad nodded.

"Lilith was always peaceful. She didn't like bloodshed too much and tried telling the Blood God to assign someone else, but he didn't listen." They barked a cold laugh, smiling at the ground. "She wanted to become friendly with them all instead. She only told two others- me, and 11307. She trusted us, more than anyone else. And it cost her. It cost her her fucking life." Tears welled up in their eyes. Bad didn't even bother to snap at them to watch their language. He was lost for words, and the lodge in his throat didn't want to budge.

"11307 snitched. He told the blood god about her endeavors to gain his trust and a high rank, and wanna know what he did?" Their voice broke. "He killed her. He broke protocol and killed her. Right in front of me and everyone else, off with her head. She trusted him and he killed her."

Whatever self control they had left broke down completely as they finished their tale of woe, washed away in a stream of ugly tears and breathing. Their sobs rocked their shoulders. Bad said nothing, but he felt, well, bad.

What if void never wanted to do this in the first place? The loss of a sibling surely would change someone. So, he moved to wrap his arms around their shoulders and took note of how small they were. They couldn't be older than fifteen or sixteen. "Hey. It's okay. I can't imagine what you're going through right now, nor do I have any idea if you even want my help but I'll be here as..a friend, I guess." He pat their back as they froze up, as if they hadn't received a hug in so long they didn't know what to make of it. They sucked in a shuddering breath and wiped their eyes.

"Hah. Thanks." Void sniffed and pulled away. "I need a minute." They ducked their head and disappeared like a wisp of smoke. Leaving Bad alone once more.

"So?" Void stood in the now familiar darkened office room that looked like it would take up the entire top floor of a building. The faux tears dried rapidly on their porcelain face as they cleared their throat. Humans were so gullible sometimes, weren't they? All they had to do was bring tears to his eyes, and he'd rope in pity like candy the day after valentine's day. They scoffed inaudibly and smiled.

"It worked. The plan is underway." They informed, reaching to touch their fingers to the left side of their forehead, covering their eye.

"He doesn't suspect a thing."


You thought it was a happy ending, but it was me, dio

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