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Bad's desperate attempts to keep Void locked away in a small corner of his mind were showing little to no results, and it was making him scared for everyone but himself.

If his assumptions were correct, Void needed him to function, a sort of serving vessel that they could use at their own disposal. The only catch was that the blood god had bonded them with a physical link that showed no signs of breaking any time soon. Anyways, that meant that they had to keep him alive in order to remain alive themselves. Which in turn meant that, if his will wasn't strong enough, they could quite literally use him as a meat puppet. And Bad would be able to do nothing about it.

Or worse, keeping them around would just fuel them. At this rate, they wouldn't even need him anymore. What if they went rampant and killed everyone he cared about? What if they let him live, alone and shut in a small, cold space with nobody to talk to, the same way he was trying to do to them?

The thought made his stomach do summersaults. He had to somehow prevent that from happening, or at least try to. But he wasn't sure how to pull it off. He racked his brain for a few moments, pondering what he could do before an idea came to mind.

Void? He thought. It was around nine PM, when the creature was active the most. Bad was far away from his house, around five hundred blocks east from where he and the others lived, to prevent anyone from being suspicious as to why he was talking to seemingly himself. Wether this would work or not was questionable, but he was willing to give it a shot.

"Hmmm?" They hummed in response. Something felt odd, about their voice, it was slightly shaky and sounded as if they hadn't cleared their throat in a while. Or perhaps it was out of anxiety? Bad didn't know- well, he didn't have the right to know, either. but that wasn't what he was there for.

Can you take a human form right now? I have a question. He continued. They didn't have to do it, they didn't even have to respond, actually, from what they said, he was just a stepping stool to power. But Bad wanted to change that. Because sometimes, all someone really needed was a friend.


"Oh- I guess? One second." They paused, before the area in front of him started to get really dark- well, darker than usual. Like a black hole, but it wasn't trying to openly inhale everything within range. It stayed there for a few seconds before exploding- not with flames, just a blast that sent him skidding back. In place of the dark mass was a not very familiar ravenette in, once again, formal attire. Did they wear anything else?

"Well? What do you want? I have places to be." They sneered, examining their wrist before crossing their arms. To be fair, Bad half doubted that they actually had somewhere to go, but he wasn't going to say that because that would be rude. "If you're here to tell me that I seriously have to stop, the answer is gonna be a no." They continued, pacing the grass in front of him.

"No- actually, it's that I've been referring to you as a 'they' for the past few weeks and I wanted to ask what your preferred pronouns are- just for the sake of being polite." It wasn't a very invasive question- Void just never really told him what to call them, other than their name. It was just his own curiosity getting the better of him.

It seemed to have taken them by surprise, because their expression softened ever so slightly. They blinked at him before answering. It made Bad wonder- had anyone really asked something about them, things like their hobbies and such?

"I mean, technically speaking, I don't actually have a gender- hell, I don't even have a name. Demons go by serial codes, four random numbers and letters to identify us. Void is a name given to me by someone who was...very important to me." They stared off for a few seconds into god knows what. The way they said it- bitterly, with a hint of sadness. Bad noted to not ask, it sounded like a touchy subject.

"Anyways! As for pronouns, call me whatever, I don't really care. Don't understand why you're asking in the first place, it's a weird question, you know?" They switched back to sickeningly cheery and taunting, as if they hadn't said anything at all previously. Bad inhaled quietly, unable to speak for a few seconds before he swallowed down the lodge in his throat and started again.

"I might as well get to know you-" He started before getting cut off. Void stopped walking in circles. Their tone was icy and dripping with hostility. Was what he had said really that bad? Was he about to get hurt?

"I see now. You're trying to get me to soften up around you, aren't you? So you can guilt me into leaving you alone?" Void asked. They smiled coldly, running their fingers through their hair. "It's not going to work. I'm not going to become a victim to that mistake, not after-"

"Well, sometimes people just need friends." Bad snapped. He sucked in a sharp breath, his words having come out annoyed and not how he wanted to say them. Well, he shouldn't have said anything to begin with, but sometimes his mouth acted before his brain had time to think.

"Key word, sometimes. I don't need anyone, I'm only using you to get what I want, you hear me?" They turned around so that their back faced him, already beginning to dissipate like smoke.

"Hold on, I didn't get to-" He began. They interrupted again, firmly. This interaction had ended- it had ended long before it began, actually.

"Goodnight, Badboyhalo." They said with a sort of finalization before vanishing completely. He felt..bad, honestly. As if Void's anger towards him was entirely his fault- which, technically speaking, it was, he probably touched a nerve without knowing it and made them snap. He couldn't really blame them.

He could only blame himself.

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