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...You seemed the most experienced on this subject, looking at all you've been through. I know it's a touchy topic, and you're busy, and I shouldn't have contacted you on such short notice but, my best friend really needs help and you're the only person I could think of to ask.
best regards,

P.S - I hope you're doing well!

Technoblade re-read the letter in his hands, dark eyes narrowing. As much as he wanted to deny it, the symptoms Dream had listed were almost identical to his own. Frequent migraines, sleeping a lot, lapses of anxiety. It was all achingly familiar, evoking memories he thought he had locked away forever. He ran his fingers through his bubblegum-colored hair, sighing deeply. He didn't want to go- not at all, he didn't want to revisit the past or make the same mistakes again, but it seemed that his friend really needs someone with a good amount of experience under their belt.

"My liege?" The kingsman knelt before him asked, not daring to meet his gaze. It was funny, really, how others would cower in his presence, even if he was being perfectly docile and in no mood to maim them. Techno often found the life of being a monarch rather boring because of this, hell, it was part of the reason he was going to visit Dream. Seeing new things outside the kingdom sounded like a nice refresher.

"Hm. Ready mine and Wilbur's horses." He commanded, standing and folding the letter into a small square. He slipped the paper away into his pocket and brushed off his hands. His crimson fur-lined cape swung around his shoulders as he started walking, boots clacking against the cold marble floor. "I have important business to attend to."

Techno pushed open the door to the assembly hall. A long marble chamber accented with gold and paintings of rulers before that came before him. A pristine, carefully polished dark oak table stretched from one end of the room to the other, matching the shape of it perfectly. At the far end, in front of a massive window that looked out into the rush of the capital were two men pouring over a few pieces of paper. Philza, and Wilbur Soot.

"Wilbur, come with me. I've had our horses be brought to the front of the castle. Phil, I need you to watch the kingdom in my stead." He spoke quickly. If what Dream had told him was true, he had to make haste and get there before Badboyhalo's symptoms got severe. Will nodded and stood, but Philza still looked quizzical.

"Of course, but where are you going?" He asked, stacking the papers on top of eachother and setting them aside.

Techno didn't spare him a glance, instead reaching for the diamond sword mounted on the wall. He didn't bother to get it polished- he fought so often, there wasn't much of a point. He examined the blade to make sure it was still sharp before sliding it into the scabbard strapped to his back, underneath the cloak.

"....To visit an old friend."

By the time they had left, it was around eleven or twelve in the afternoon, so techno assumed that at a steady pace they'd arrive by four or five. He and Wilbur each had a leather satchel filled with carrots and water and a few other things that they might need, such as healing potions and emeralds, should they need to buy food.

Currently, they were passing through a tall-grassed field dotted with colorful flowers not various shapes and sizes. To his left, it lead into an oak wood forest. From where his horse trotted, Techno took note of a small pack of wolves that didn't seem to notice them yet. Anyways, to his right the plains stretched for as far as he could see.

"Your hair's getting long, Techno. Would you like me to cut it? When we get back." Wilbur spoke for the first time in their relatively quiet ride. Techno pulled his hair, tied back in a ponytail, over his shoulder and examined it. He sniffed and shook his head. "No, I think it suits me." He replied, flicking it back again so it wouldn't blow into his eyes.

"You're wondering where we are going, I take?" He asked. Wilbur had been following him without question for the past few hours now, Techno thought he owed him an explanation for sticking by his side. He glanced to his friend and watched as he nodded. "Yeah, you've been so serious about it and, to be fair, I was also kind of scared to ask you." He admitted, looking down at his steed.

Techno waved his hand and chuckled. "Wilbur, you're my best friend, if I drag you out of the kingdom without explanation, you can ask even if I'm in the worst mood possible. Anyways, remember when-" He took a breath. It had been five years since the days events, and he still had trouble talking about it. "When we were fifteen? And I- I summoned the blood god for the first time? Sold my humanity for strength? You-" He inhaled again, rubbing his eyes and forcing himself to keep talking. Even though he could never forgive himself. "I almost killed you...?"

Will's expression softened slightly. He reached for his shoulder. "It's okay. You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to- it was a horrible time for all of us. Anyways, yeah, I do, why?" His words brought him some form of comfort as he continued, regaining his composure and adjusting his grip on the reins of his horse. "It's happened again. Over on Dream's end- you remember Badboyhalo, right?" They had met on one or two occasions, Techno passed through their small village in search of trade deals back when his kingdom was still relatively young.

"The nice one that yelled if you swore? Yes. You're not saying...?" He met his gaze, eyes wide with a hint of fear. Techno nodded grimly, clutching the leather in his hands so hard his knuckles paled. "I thought you burned all the books, everything about...him, was set ablaze when you burned that pillaged mansion to the ground. How..?"

"I don't know, Will. But this is bad. Very bad. I don't even know what to do yet, but I don't think Bad has the willpower to keep the demon at bay. Worst case scenario, we'll have to kill him, but-"

"It's okay. You'll figure something out." Wilbur reassured, offering a smile as Dream's house cropped up in the distance.

"I know you will."

A/N: Thank you all for 500 reads! It really makes my day and inspires me to keep writing. You guys are the best! <3

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