𝟘𝟟 | 𝕡𝕙𝕒𝕤𝕚𝕟𝕘

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A/N: Long chapter. what will it do

Void yawned and entered what seemed to be some kind of office building in colors of blood and midnight. He sniffed with mild distaste. Despite being the most feared being in the underworld, the blood god had a shockingly bad taste in decor. Well, he had a bad taste in everything, but Void would like to ignore that whenever they could.

Anyways, they'd rather not be here at the moment- even Badboyhalo's company was much better than being summoned by the Blood God for no apparent reason. He didn't recall doing anything out of the ordinary- maybe he was just pissed off again for no particular reason, and it was their turn to be his punching bag. It happened often, most wrote their wills whenever they were brought to His office. He really wasn't in the mood to get beat today, especially after the previous day's interaction. It left a bad taste in his mouth and he'd much rather sit and save his strength for when he needed it.

They didn't notice the scowl that had formed on their face until a few moments later when they felt a chill down their spine, as if someone was behind them. Void slowly turned, half-hoping it was one of His secretaries, here to tell them that they were free to leave so that they could go about their day- which mainly consisted of sleeping away his problems and beating himself up for not being productive, and that he was running out of time but the right opportunity wasn't showing up yet.

Unfortunately, sometimes one's hopes didn't come true. They came face-first with someone's waist, which usually wasn't too concerning seeing as they were fairly short- standing at around five foot seven, but physically having to look up gave you some sort of idea to how tall the Blood God was. And, surprise surprise, he didn't look very happy. He hardly ever did.

Void cringed back, recoiling at the smell of old meat and dried blood that clung to the matted fur of His lower half, which remained that of some weird goat. Why he chose a goat, of all things, Void will never know, but they were far more interested in introducing him to a shower.

"Any ideas as to why I've brought you here?"

Void narrowed their eyes before rolling them slightly. Did he expect them to rat themselves out? Or did they suspect that they were doing something against protocol? Well, technically speaking they were, but the whole point of said scheme was so that he didn't find out. "No, I have no damned clue what you want. Anything else?" They replied tartly. His tone sounded a bit more annoyed than usual, but honestly speaking, who wouldn't be irritated if someone accused you of treason without much evidence.

"You've taken things awfully slowly ever since I've assigned you your target-" He seemed to have ignored Void's shortening temper and instead moved straight to the point. They cut him off quickly, a retort coming to their lips.

"You're not assuming that I'm getting friendly with him, are you? How insulting." They snorted and ran a hand over their face. Meeting the Blood God's glare with his own cold eyes. "Though, as you love to believe whatever others say without proof, I wouldn't be very surprised." They sneered, stepping over thin ice when they spoke.

"Of course not, Void, I would never think that you would make the same mistake as Lilith did. I'm simply saying that siblings are usually the same." He snapped back through gritted teeth. His words set Void on edge, dumping gasoline on a bomb that was already lit.

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