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(Jungkook's POV)

I stepped into the dark room but was confused when no one was there.

"Hey Kookie." I heard a voice behind me and turned around. Josephine turned on the lights and closed the door and I rolled my eyes.

"It's just you? I don't have time for this." I grumbled, moving towards her to leave but she spoke again.

"Oh I think you do. If you care about what Jimin did to you."

"What are you talking about?" I asked, barely paying attention to her.

"I'll tell you but can I use your phone really quick, I want to check my makeup."


"You dated me for your moms approval, the least you could do after playing with a girls heart like that is let her use your damn camera." She pouted and I sighed, taking out my phone. The sooner she gets what she wants the sooner she'll leave me alone. I looked around the familiar room as she checked her makeup. "Now about Jimin." She said after a moment.


Josephine had been stalling for about 10 minutes now. I groaned as I leaned back against the wall, listening to her babble about something that wasn't relevant.

"If you don't have anything useful to say then I'm going to leave." I got up off the wall and went toward the door.

"Why are you so cold to me?" She asked crossing her arms.

"Are you serious?" I asked, turning back towards her. She raised an eyebrow. Unbelievable. "Well you cheated on me like 8 times and used me for my money. You only ever talk about yourself and never really cared about me. In the end I may have been using you to get my mothers approval but before that I had really thought you had changed. I was falling in love with you but in return you ended some of my closest friendships, manipulated, and lied."

"That was all so long ago though." She said brushing her hair over her shoulder. "I'm different now." She smiled and I almost couldn't help but laugh.

"Even if you are, I'm with Jimin now. So I'm going to get back to him-"

"Speaking of him." She started as she pulled out her phone, smiling at some notification. "I want you to listen to this." She handed me her phone and I looked at the voice memo. "Go on." She nudged and I clicked play, it was probably yet another one of her terrible covers that she wanted me to show my mom.

"I never did." I heard the beginning of the audio and was surprised to hear Jimin's voice. "I never did care about them. Not Taehyung, Namjoon, Jin, Hoseok, or Jungkook." He laughed, but it sounded strained. "My parents left me with nothing and I needed somewhere to stay, that's it. They had money so I used it."

"What is this?" I frowned as Josephine smiled and just gestured me to continue listening.

"I thought it would be fun to play with their feelings. I'm the one who told Seungmin about Jungkook's sister's death. I just wanted to see his reaction when his opponent used it against him in the ring. It was pretty entertaining to see him get so aggressive." Jimin said and my face fell. "Again, it wasn't particularly hard to play with them, because I never felt anything towards them. It was about the money, and I just wanted to have some fun."

The room was quiet as the audio message ended.

"That's not true. It c-can't be." I dropped her phone and she came up to me, putting a hand on my shoulder. My heart sank.

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