3.11 Your Exception

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Posted: April 28, 2021 | Edited: July 28, 2022

3.11 Your Exception

11 Your Exception

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[Year 2 - October]

          "... fasten your seatbelts. We will begin our descent into Mumbai shortly."

Placing my bookmark to hold my place and removing the earplugs, I close the novel and sit up to peek out the windows. It's going to be amazing being home for next two weeks. Today is Diwali. All of my cousins - Rihaan, Sanya, and Kriana - were involved in the Diwali Show at their school in one form or another, including Shreya. If that wasn't enough, Friday is Sanya's birthday. I have all the reasons to celebrate – not that I am not always finding one reason or the other to celebrate. We are never short of excuses to gather and throw a party.

Roughly half hour later, I grab my purse. The only carry-on I had brought with me to my seat. After all, what could I possibly want when there was a first-class lounge just steps away from my seat and a flight attendant just a button away? Having your own private plane really does make the long 13-hour flight seem less terrible. Especially when I slept through 8 of those hours.

The second Mohit and I step off the plane, we find Vikas waiting for us. Another perk of being a Raizada. We could get our cars on the tarmac and straight to the plane. Mohit dumps his duffle bag in Vikas's hands, "I'm jet-lagged. You are in charge."

I keep my laugh to myself, knowing full well that Mohit had slept for longer than I had. Vikas must know him too from having worked alongside him for years since he rolls his eyes and thrusts his bag back to his chest, "Carry your own weight, fat ass."

Mohit grumbles to me, "See, this is the welcome I receive after spending three months abroad. Why couldn't you make my life easier and decide to attend a local university? Like your best friend. Ishaan had the sensibility to go to MU."

I walk towards the car, "You wouldn't love me if I made your life easy."

Finding the car empty, I turn to face Vikas. I expected at least one member of my family to be hiding inside. "Uh, they're busy?"

"Oh, is it? Fine. I am too busy for them too. Take me to Ishaan's."

Mohit attempts to calm me, "Arshiya, aren't you...?"

"Don't dare say I am over-reacting." I warn him, even if a part of me knows I might be throwing a fit. It's just a harmless revenge. They deserve that for not coming to pick me up. Now, I love Vikas. He's as much a part of my family as my own brother. Still, that doesn't pardon them from not receiving me, claiming they were busy. We literally employ thousands of people. We wouldn't go bankrupt if any one or all of them took a day off.

That is not much to ask for.

With that thought, I slide into the backseat. Vikas and Mohit settle into their respective seats. While the men talk shop, I busy myself with my phone.

Dare to Stay | Heir & Heiress #3 | Edited ✔️Where stories live. Discover now