Chapter 1

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*Your P.O.V*
"Michael, you said they were in the past and that I was your future so why is one of them meeting you again?!?" You yelled at your boyfriend, Michael Clifford.
Yes, Michael Clifford from 5 seconds of summer. You had dated for over 2 years now.
Michael's going on tour in a few days and all you have done is argue about stupid things, but now this argument wasn't stupid. It could break your relationship for good.

"Why is this making you so angry?!?" Michael yells back as he paced around the room.
An ex-5sos-groupie had tweeted a picture of her 5sos tickets with the caption 'Finally I can have time with Michael after 3 long long years 😏 Although I did have to pay for my tickets 😔'.
When you met Michael 3 years ago he, along with the others, stopped having anything to do with groupies, but it wasn't like he'd do that stuff with them all the time, he said things only happened when they all got drunk, which wasn't very much because Liz, Luke's mum, was on tour with them most the time. And when they were drunk only a few hand jobs happened, only them doing it to him because he doesn't know where they've been. And only one time did he do it with one chick, but that was after his drink was spiked, and the next day he went to hospital, where he stayed for three days, and all the fam knew something he went to hospital.

You started dating a year later and nothing about groupies had come up until now.
"Well she said she can finally have time with you after 3 years! Obviously those 3 years are the ones since we met and obviously by time she means sex!" you made air quotation marks with your fingers when you said time,"I just don't know how easy it will be for her to get into your pants Michael, especially when you're drunk! Like look at her and look at me! She's like fucking barbie and ..-"

Michael cut you off. "Oh so you think I'm like a fucking male slut, that will just have sex with anyone?!?" Michael threw his arms in the air.

"No, I never said that ..-"

"Well that's what it fucking sounded like!" Michael grabbed his keys and phone, leaving the house and slamming the door behind him.

You jumped out of your seat on the lounge and after him.
Through the glass panel on the door you saw him stop half way down the front path, he cursed loudly and rubbed his face.
You thought for a second that he would come back but then he quickly walked towards his car.

"Michael," you yelled to him as he got in his car, he didn't look at you, "Michael ple..-," but he was already driving away before you could finish.

You watched as his car disappeared down the road and hot tears began to flow down your cheeks.
You didn't know for sure where he was heading, but to one of the boys houses was most likely. You picked up your phone and dialled Ashton's number.

You and Ashton had been friends at a young age but you moved away for a couple of years. When you moved back you and Ashton became friends again, after a little while he introduced you to his band and that's also how you met Michael.

"Hey lovely, how are you," Ashton cheerfully spoke.
"Me and Michael had an argument, he left and I don't know what to do," you began to cry harder.
"What do you mean he left, what was the argument over," Concern ran in his voice.
"One of the old g..groupies tweeted about me..meeting him a..agian, I was..was angry abo..out it, we we argu..ued and he st..stormed out," you chocked on your words," Ash, me ple.ase," you eyes burned with tears as more and more ran down your cheeks.
"Stay rights where you are y/n, I'm coming over, I'll help, don't move anywhere, I'm going to sort things out okay," Ashton tried to comfort you, his breathing got louder so you knew he was rushing,"fuck where are my keys," he muttered,"Luke I'm taking your car, I'm going to y/n's, I'll explain later, if Michael comes make him tell you what happened at home," you heard him shout to Luke,"y/n I'm coming now love, don't worry it's going to be alright, I'm going to hang up now so I can drive, don't move anywhere." He hung up the phone. You
sat on the lounge with your knees to your chest and your face in you hands.

Don't Leave Me || Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now