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Soon, shocking news was all over the Internet. Namjoon received a call from his assistant. He quickly rushed to the television asking Jin to come. Jin and Namjoon were shocked to see the news.

The headlines say that Mr. Park Bogum, owner of VCC club, is arrested for almost killing one doctor. And the evidence is strong and he can't be released on bail and will go to jail. Taehyung came home looking tired and gave a weak smile to his parents. Jin was still shocked and looking between Tae and T.V.
Namjoon asked, "Were you the one to report Bogum?"
Tae smile weakly, tears roll down his eyes, "Yes, Appa. I came to my senses a little late. Please forgive me."
Jin and Namjoon both rush to hug him. He again started crying and hugging them.
Jin prepared chicken noodle soup for him and went to his room to feed him. As he entered, he saw Tae crying in the corner of the room. Jin makes him sit on the bed and hugs him, creasing his back.
"Eomma, I f**ked up really bad this time. How should I ask Jimin to forgive me when I can't even forgive myself?"

"Did I raise you to be this weak? When Jimin doesn't give up on you for 5 years, how can you lose your hope so soon? If you love him then you should fight for your love. Show him your love. And if you need my help, ask me. OK?"

Tae nodded.

"Now be a good boy. You must be exhausted. Eat this and get ready to fight."
Next day, early in the morning, Tae went to Jimin. He slowly opened the door of the room and found JK sleeping on the couch. He looked worried and a stain of tears was visible. Taehyung felt bad. He then moved closer to Jimin, who was lying peacefully in bed. The monitor on the side gives steady sounds. The medicine from the drip was flooding into his body. So many cables are connected to him. The sight was painful and Tae hated himself more.

He took the chair near Jimin and held his hand to kiss his knuckles. He then carefully stroked his hair and tears were rolling down his face. He stayed for 10 minutes, occasionally kissing his knuckles and stroking his hair. He left the room before JK woke up.

It's been a week and Jimin is recovering but he's still not awake. Tae keeps sneaking in when others are asleep. It was working hours and Jungkook was the one taking care. He was sitting near him holding his hand when he suddenly felt the fingers moving. He quickly looked at Jimin. Slowly his eyes were open and he was trying to adjust to the light. Jungkook was so happy, tears in his eyes he quickly ran to call Jin.

Jin came rushing and examined Jimin. Jimin was now fully awake and held a small smile on his face. He was much better but still in some pain.

Jungkook came in to hug him tight and started crying. He cried for 15 minutes and Jimin patiently rubbed his back to calm him.

Soon, Yoongi and Hoseok came, and for the first time Jimin saw tears in Yoongi's eyes

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Soon, Yoongi and Hoseok came, and for the first time Jimin saw tears in Yoongi's eyes. Jimin himself was in tears now. Yoongi scolded him a little bit, then hugged him and cried.

Tae so badly wants to see Jimin, to apologize, to ask for punishment

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Tae so badly wants to see Jimin, to apologize, to ask for punishment. But Namjoon doesn't allow him as the others have not forgiven him and can kill Tae. It was late at night when Tae decided to visit Jimin. He carefully entered without making any sound, good to see no one was there. He quickly went near Jimin and hugged him carefully, then he kissed his forehead and held his hand. He stroked his hair and smiled sweetly.

Jimin looked a bit better, he was now no longer lifeless and no machine was connected to him. Tae was happy to see him recover but he was very ashamed. He was the reason for his pain. Tae promised to make up for all his mistakes. He kissed Jimin's forehead for the last time and went away.

During lunch, they visit Jimin and have small talk to make him feel better. After a while, Yoongi and Jimin were alone as the other two left to get coffee.

"Hyung," Jimin whispered.

Yoongi moves his attention to him.

"Hyung, where is Tae?"

"Jimin, don't you dare to think about him", Yoongi scolded. "He has done enough damage to you. He had played with you enough. He has hurt you enough. You almost lost your life because of him. And you still care about him."

Then Jimin remembered all the venom Tae had poured down on him. How he told him to not show his face again. How he said he didn't love him. How he hurt him. All the memories have brought a storm to his heart, his breath becomes unsteady, his eyes become red and tears run down.

 All the memories have brought a storm to his heart, his breath becomes unsteady, his eyes become red and tears run down

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Yoongi hugged him, trying to calm him. After a minute, Jimin was calmer, Yoongi broke the hug and kissed his forehead. Little did they know someone was outside seeing all this. Jealousy ran down into Tae's heart. He wanted to punch Yoongi but he couldn't. So this is how Jimin feels all the time. This is how it hurt. This is the pain I've brought him, thought Taehyung. He went away with tears in his eyes.

Hello, I'm sorry I wasn't able to update. But I'll try to do it as soon as possible. Please give lots of love to my story and please share it.

Everyone stays healthy and stays safe. Spread love all around you. And don't forget to love yourself. Take good care of yourself and your loved ones.


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