ch 3

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"Jimin-shi" was the only word he said before hugging him tight and crushing him to the bones.
"Excuje me, I can't breathe" Jimin says tapping his back. As they broke the hug, Jimin eyes went wide. The person was giving him a bunny smile and only one person calls him like that.

"Oh my Kookie," Jimin says, pulling him into the hug again. Now they were hugging, jumping and laughing. Both weren't able to control their emotions. They have seen each other for a long time. They stopped when the nurses gave them weird looks.

"Jimin-shi, you've not changed a bit, still small and cute," Jungkook says, squeezing Jimin's cheek.
"Aishh this brat. I told you to call me hyung. And now you've grown this tall and this strong. My my my, you've changed so much" Jimin says with this one hand crossed on his chest, one hand on his chin and looking at Kookie from head to toe.

"Btw what are you doing here?" Jimin asks, sounding worried. Jungkook chuckles at his lil hyung.
"No, I've applied for training here and I'm accepted. I'll start working tomorrow." Jimin was so happy for him, he again pulled him into a hug. They were separated by a cough. They both look to see who was the one to disturb their happy moment.

Who can it be?

None other than Kim Taehyung himself.

"Dr. Park, are you on the night shift?" He asks without emotion.

'Dr. Park' the word broke Jimin's heart.

Does he hate my name that much, Jimin thought.

"No, I was going back."
"Good, then get going and please behave yourself. You're not a highschool student to act like this. Be mature" cold words keep coming out of Taehyung's mouth.

"We are so sorry, Mr.," Jungkook says, holding Jimin's wrist. "We'll leave now," he bowed and walked away with Jimin.

Jungkook takes Jimin home, the whole ride they were talking about old times and the memories they share together.
As Jimin reaches home he takes a warm bath and lays down on his bed. Then Taehyung's voice came to his mind, tears started rolling again. He cried till he slept.

Next morning, he woke up early to cook lunch for his Tae. New day, new starting he told himself and forgot about last night. His love was enough for both of them and he hopes one day Tae will care about him.
He's not going to give up. Now he was ready to go with his lunch. When he reached the hospital, he was greeted by Yoongi and Hoseok. No one knew they were a couple except Jimin. Hoseok always says Yoongi is his boyfriend but no one believes him because he loves to pull prank and they all think that this is also one of his pranks. And Yoongi doesn't give a shit about what others think, he doesn't care about who knows. He only told Jimin about their relationship because he thinks of him as his younger brother. They all laugh and talk as he walks inside and then goes their separate ways. Hoseok and Yoongi were pediatricians. It's shocking to think of Yoongi as one, but trust me he's really good at his job.

Jimin went to his office and started working. For Jimin it takes years to have lunch break. Jimin quickly runs to Tae with the lunch he made. Once he went inside he saw Tae smiling. The smile that makes his heart beat fast and makes him fall in love again and again.
But who makes him smile like this, Jimin walks towards them and the other person turns.
It was Jung Wheein, she was one of their friends at the hospital. She runs to hug Jimin and they both exchange a few words before she returns. Jimin was not jealous of Wheein because he knows she has a boyfriend. Jimin looked at Tae who was again on his computer.
"Let's have lunch, today I made all your favourite '' Jimin says in a chirping voice walking over to Tae.
"Get out, I'm busy." Jimin was sad but he didn't give up, "Tae I made your favourite. Let's have it together. It's been a while since we had lunch together."
Taehyung was annoyed. He looked up with rage full eyes then he snatched the box from his hand and threw it in the dustbin. "Done, now get the hell out of here" he said.
Jimin broke down, his heart sank in, tears were not in control, his eyes became red and he was crying and sobbing.

Hello guys,
I was bored, so I decided to write this chapter.
How are you all doing?
Please don't hate me for writing Tae as a cold person. I'll definitely make him cherishing some time soon.
How you guys like this chapter?

Please, spread love around you. And don't forget to love yourself and take a good care of yourself. Stay safe everyone.
Byeee byeee for now 👋👋👋
I'll come to disturb you all again.
And I forgot to remind you, please vote and comment.
I'm a very lazy person, please motivate me😅😅

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