ch 2

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Slowly his eyes became teary and he fought to not make them fall. He was walking with his head down and he bumped into someone. He muttered a sorry and started walking away, but he was stopped by a strong hand around his wrist. He looked up to see but the tears blurred his vision.
"Come with me," the person said. Jimin knows this voice and doesn't protest. The person was none other than his friend Min Yoongi. Both of them stopped at the cafeteria and took the corner table. They both sat face to face. Jimin was trying his best to not break down.
"Now honestly tell me what happened? Just name whom I needed to kill." Jimin doesn't answer. After a few minutes of silence was greeted by a ray of sunshine. Hoseok came in all cheering and jumping with his lunch and sat next to Yoongi giving him a peck on the lips. Jimin looked at the two with sad eyes and just smiled at the two, he was envious of them.

"Aren't you going to tell me?" Yoongi asked again. This time Jimin couldn't hold back, he started crying and in no time he was a crying mess. Yoongi and Hoseok looked at him with pity eyes, he was like their younger brother. Both get up to hug him and Hoseok soothes him, by gently rubbing his back.

"Jimine, calm down," Hoseok says, kissing his hair. Jimin cried his heart out and now is sobbing. "What did he do this time?" Yoongi asks with a sign.
"N-Nothing h-hyung," he replied in between his sobs.
"And you want us to buy this bullshit. Hell no. Tell me or I'm going to beat the shit out of him," Yoongi said, getting angry.
"Jimine, just tell us. Maybe we can help, '' Hoseok says, still rubbing his back.
"He…" Jimin paused, then continued, "He threw his card at me when I asked to go on a date."

Yoongi was more angry listening to this. What type of boyfriend is he? Even Yoongi was not this cold with Hobi and Jimin is dating him for almost 5 years now. Yoongi has accepted Hobi in half a year and in one year he was addicted to him, now it's been 10 years and he can't live a day without his sunshine.
"I'm going to beat the shit out of him. He needs good mental treatment. Let me help him," Yoongi says, getting up.
"No, hyung. Don't please" Jimin started crying again.
"Jimine calms down. He's just joking" says Hobi, who was hugging Jimin tight.
"Hyung, I'm fine. I swear, it was my mistake to annoy him at work."

Yoongi looked at him, eyes holding anger and pity. He can't do anything for him and seeing him in pain broke his heart. He wants to help Jimin just like younger is always there for him. But he doesn't know what to do. When Jimin calmed down he went back to his office to deal with work. He needs a distraction. He again worked overtime, his body was now sore. He decided to head home. He locked his office and was walking with his head down when he bumped and fell down.
"I'm so sorry" says the person helping him up.
"I'm also sorry. It's my fault, I was not looking" says Jimin, brushing his clothes.
"Are you alright?" asked the person.
"Perfectly" says Jimin, still not looking up.
"Ohh, hyung," says the person. Jimin looked up to see the owner of the voice. Jimin looks at the tall person in front of him, he looks familiar but Jimin can't recognise him.
"Jimin-shi" was the only word he said before hugging him tight and crushing him to the bones.....

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English is not my first language, sorry for my mistakes.

Hope you all stay safe and don't forget to take care of yourself and love yourself.

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