Ice Cream

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***Set after Day of the Departed in the show-verse <3***

***(Jay's POV)***

I lick the blue raspberry taste off my lips. "Nya, if you were an ice cream flavor, what would you be?"

The team and I are out visiting Zane at work. He recently got a job at a local frozen dessert parlor. He loves it when we come to see him, and he makes sure to give us a hero's discount, so it's a win-win situation.

Kai scoffs. "Ice cream flavor? What kind of a question is that supposed to be?"

I shrug. "Dunno. I just thought it'd be interesting to know."

Nya furrows a brow, studying me. "I guess the answer would be chocolate, right? If you call someone 'vanilla', it means they have a plain, generic personality. And I'm not generic, so...I'm chocolate?"

I smile at her logic. "Nah, you're not chocolate."

"I'm certainly not vanilla, Jay Walker."

"I didn't mean that you were," I rush to reassure her. "You're just not chocolate, either. You're...something a little different."

"Oh?" she smirks.


"I'd be rocky road," Cole pipes up, unaware he's breaking our moment. "You know, since my element's earth and all."

I give him an annoyed look. "Har-har. You're hilarious."

"I was just saying," he shrugs. "Kai, what would you be?"

"The whole scenario is stupid," the fire ninja scoffs. "It's not like any of us are ice cream flavors. Jay's just trying to flirt with my sister."

I blush, crossing my arms defensively. "So what if I am? We are dating, you know. I think flirting is part of the package."

"You've been dating for...what, two months now? Can you quit acting like you're engaged?" Kai pulls at his perfectly styled hair.

Nya elbows him. "It's not like we haven't been together before, Kai. And you should watch yourself – the guys have told me all about the kind of stuff you pulled when you first met Skylor."

Kai opens his mouth, then closes it.

I lean over, tickling her ear with my breath, and say in a stage whisper, "He tried to spy on her in her room!"

"You did, too!" Kai retorts, his face red-hot.

"You...did?" Nya asks.

My eyes widen. "Um, not like Kai. I just thought it was cool that there were secret peepholes in one of Master Chen's paintings. I had no intention of watching Skylor train. I..." Am a bumbling mess.

Nya winks. "Nice. It's a good thing I trust you."

"Come on!" Kai moans dramatically. "Save all the lovey-dovey stuff for later, please! I don't want to be around that!"

A smug smile teases my lips. "Hey, Nya, wanna sit in my lap?"

"Leaving now." Kai stands up abruptly, slipping on his sunglasses. Still licking his ice cream cone, he strolls nonchalantly out of the shop, nodding to every old lady and smirking at the occasional curious fangirl.

Show off.

"Hey, guys," Lloyd says, finally joining us. He has an ice cream cone piled high with four scoops of different-colored desserts.

My eyes widen. "Where can I get one like that?"

Cole, on the other hand, shakes his head. "Lloyd, you are such a child."

"I'm only fifteen, mentally," he defends himself. "And with a muscular adult body, I can pretty much eat whatever I want."

"I'd eat whatever I wanted without muscles," Cole muses, rubbing his tummy.

I roll my eyes. "Cole, mark my words: One of these days, you're going to be chubby."

"Says the guy who only ever eats junk food," my girlfriend chuckles.

"Hey, I'm built to eat a lot. I have a lightning fast metabolism."

"We'll see about that."

Lloyd clears his throat. "They have a playground outside, so if you all don't mind, that's where I'm headed." He holds up a hand. "Yes, I know I'm being childish."

Cole rises to his feet. "I'm headed out, too," he announces. "Time to try out my new human hands on some monkey bars."

"Have fun," I sigh happily as they leave.

Finally: Nya and I are alone.

"You look unreasonably pleased," she notices.

"Mm-hmm. Back to what I was saying about ice cream flavors..."

"If you say I'm vanilla, you can ride your dragon back to the monastery."

I scowl. "No, I was not about to call you vanilla! You're...blueberry chocolate chip."

She blinks. "What the heck is that supposed to mean?"

"It means you're my favorite?" I try.

"Please elaborate," she grins, sipping from her root beer float.

"Well, blueberry chocolate chip is blue, which is my favorite color. And yours. And when you find a chocolate chip inside, it's so surprising. In a good way, of course. Nya surprises are my favorite.'re my favorite?" That was a lot of "favorites".

She rolls her eyes. "This is starting to sound cheesy. Cut to the chase."

"There is no 'chase'. I really, really like you, just like I really, really like blueberry chocolate chip."

She laughs. "As I said, cheesy. I think the more important question I taste good?"

I eye her mouth, which is coated in ice cream and soda pop.

"Very," I whisper, gently leaning forward to kiss her lips. They taste like sugar and syrup, but mostly...


Happiness, relief, all courses through me as our mouths connect. I'm happy because she's finally mine, relieved because we survived Nadakhan – that still haunts me – and...

She chuckles against me, pulling back a little. "Smooth, Walker. But now my dessert is all over you, too."

"It was worth it," I sigh, scooting her chair a little closer to mine. I lean forward to touch her lips again; she reaches slightly upward to meet me, and –

"May I refreeze your melting treat, friends?" Zane asks innocently.

I move back, groaning. "Zane!"

"I was merely asking if you would enjoy cold ice cream in your root beer float," he frowns. "Did I say something wrong?"

"Nah," Nya replies. "Hey, is that your boss calling you from the back?"

"You are mistaken. I heard nothing."

I catch on. "Oh, no. You're wrong, Zane: He is calling for you."

" boss is a woman."

I wave him off. "I'll have to check out your processor later and make sure nothing's wrong. In the meantime, you should really get back there."

"I...all right, I suppose." Looking confused, he heads for the back of the parlor.

Nya wraps her arms around my neck, bringing my attention back to her. "Now, where were we?" she smirks.

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