What the... - Part 1

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***Writing oneshots for a little instant gratification? Yes, please. I put so much work into my books, but oneshots are where I don't have to meet anyone's expectations. It's invigorating.

This one is based on the following wonderful (yeah, right) prompt my grandmother told me about:

This one is based on the following wonderful (yeah, right) prompt my grandmother told me about:

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Okay, but are you actually scared yet-

This will be part of a two-shot, and it takes place several years in the future from S13. Let's just say Jay and Nya are married at this time and in their mid-twenties.***

***(Jay's POV)***

I readjust my pillow over my head, stifling a groan. I try to cuddle under the blankets further to escape that awful noise coming from...somewhere. I don't know what it is, and I don't care.

Nya rolls over next to me, obviously sensing my change in positions. She snuggles against my bare chest in her half-asleep state, mumbling something indecipherable under her breath.

I sigh miserably. I can't move anymore - I'll wake her up. I'm stuck lying on my side, pillow tucked oddly over my head, resting my hand on the hip of her fleece pajama shirt.

"How can you sleep through that sound?" I hiss. "I know you were out the past two days on a mission, but you're usually a little more mindful than this." 

"Hmm?" she mumbles, warm and comfortable in her dream world.

"I - " I stop myself with a sigh, running a hand over her dark locks to pull them from her face. Nya's exhausted from her mission. She needs rest.

"Nothing," I whisper. "Go back to sleep, honey." I press my hand against the back of her head, focusing on the pleasure of her breathing against my chest. At least it gives me something to dwell on other than that uber-annoying, muffled noise.

Eventually, the combination of the perpetually irritating sound and Nya's rhythmic breaths lull me to sleep. I let my heavy eyes close, resting my chin against Nya's limp shoulder and allowing my mind to drift.

That's when my mind snaps back to alertness. It dawns on me that the pitch of that muffled noise...

Makes it sound like a baby's voice?

I stifle an angry breath. I must've left the TV on while I was waiting for Nya to get back from her mission. We decided we'd spend the weekend at my dad's mansion, just the two of us. However, I got bored while I was hanging around here waiting for her to get back, and I like my cartoons. Boredom and Powerpuff Girls sounded like a match made in heaven at the time.

Now, it just sounds like a very annoying baby.

A very annoying, very persistent baby. The sound has not stopped.

I gently extract myself from Nya's grasp, reaching for the lamp on the bedside table. It's a little difficult to navigate my dad's house in the dark.

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