Prank My Dad - Flumptober Day #1

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***Hey, all! This is a oneshot for Flumptober, which you can find full details on in "Flumptober: Ninjago Fanfic Challenge" by

LuckyBugBooks !

Make sure you check it out if you haven't yet!

Today's prompt is "inspired by a funny meme or book quote". Now, "Prank My Dad" (video above) isn't technically a meme, I don't think, but I always find it hilarious, and I couldn't resist using it for this prompt!

NOTE: This is actually from a future Kailor AU called "Lessons From the Bad Boy", but this is a kid Jaya piece for that AU. Backstory: Jay is in third grade and Nya's in second. Kai is essentially the parental authority/bill payer in his house, so he has to work a lot. He usually leaves Nya with Ed and Edna while he's working, since Jay's her only friend (she's...interesting). And that's where this oneshot picks up...

***(Jay's POV)***

"I don't know about this," I swallow. "You really think this'll work?"

Nya's eyes gleam. "I'm confident. It'll be hilarious, and you're a funny guy, right?"

"I-I try to be." I blush, swallowing hard. Goshdarn it, she does the weirdest things to my insides.

She seemingly doesn't notice my reaction. "Okay, then let's put this plan into action!" She pushes me toward the dumpster. "Go on and hop in. Your dad will be taking out the trash soon, and we don't want to miss our window of opportunity!"

"Why is it called a window of opportunity?" I frown. "That just sounds all weird."

Nya giggles. "You sound all weird."

"Do not!"

"Your voice is so high-pitched," she teases. "It's like I'm listening to the voice of a cartoon character!"

"Really?" I swallow. "Is it annoying?"

She turns me around to face her. "Of course, it is, Jay."

My heart falls. "O-oh. And I talk a lot, so I bet it gets old really fast, and – oomph!"

She attack-hugs me. "I love your voice, Jay-Jay, even if it is annoying. It reminds me of you, and that makes it really special to me."

I slowly wrap my arms around her, shocked but pleased by her outburst of affection. "I...really?"

"Yeah. And don't you dare tell anyone I said that, or I'll make sure it's the last thing you tell anyone!"

I gulp. "Um..."

She laughs hard, slapping her hand against my chest. "I'm just kidding! Now, get in the dumpster before your dad sees us!"

"Why aren't you getting in the dumpster?"

"Because Kai only left me with one set of clothes today – the one I'm wearing."

"You know you've left a bunch of your clothes here, right? You have at least five extra sets, and my mom has them all washed and ready for you to take home."

"Five? Wow, Kai must drop me off here a lot." She shrugs. "But anyway, Jay, I'm the mastermind behind this plan, and you're the...the...assistant."

"I don't wanna be the assistant, though. The last time we played, you said that since I had to be the damsel in distress and you got to be the knight, we would switch roles this time. That means I get to be the mastermind, right? The hero?"

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