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"CONGRATULATIONS MYA" Yuki shouted as I was walking across the stage at the graduation ceremony. The air was filled with so much excitement and energy. We third years had finally graduated and become pro hero's. It was so unreal. I saw shouta standing applauding with a smile on his face. I was so grateful to see his smile.

After the ceremony UA was hosting a graduation party afterwards. There were pro hero's from almost every agency their making last minute recruits. I was just standing over in a corner with a drink in my hand just trying to absorb everything that's happening. Until a large thing swooped down from above swiping me off my feet and flew very quickly on a building.

Suddenly I felt my feet touch for ground. Looking around for the freaking person who did this my eyes turned red from anger until I heard. "Heh calm down there baby bird" looking up only to see Hawks flying in the air with his arms crossed. "For fuck sakes I thought you was Villian" he just chuckled as he slowly but gracefully glide back down. "I just wanted to see my new intern in action that's all, since your gonna be working for my agency I thought we should get to know each other better".

"You know a simple HI would've done the trick. You nearly scared me to death". Mya said still trying to stop her head from spinning. He just flicked his wings open walking closer towards me making me walk backwards. "I just wanted to see the Red devil for myself. I couldn't believe it when I heard the news for myself. So you think you got balls huh?" Every word he walked forward making me take a step back until falling over the edge.

Hawks walk to the edge looking down only to see Mya with her daggers stuck into the wall holding up herself to stop from falling. She then began swinging back and forth and swung herself back on the roof. Annoyed she stared at Hawks ready to attack before she realized that he's kinda her boss now. So she calm her nerves closed her eyes and took a deep breath in.

"Impressive" he said as he clapped slowly. "I hope to see more" he said with such a devious tone before he swooped up Mya again and rested her back on the ground at the party. "You son of a bi-" Mya then noticed that flew away quickly. Standing afar off Aizawa saw hawks resting down Mya and a little jealous he walked over to Mya saying "I think we should leave" Mya agrees and went home with Sho.

As they enter the house Sho asked "what happened tonight". Mya confused said "What do you mean"? "I saw hawks resting you down on the ground. Where were you to and why?" Mya honestly said "I was just standing there until flew me up onto a high ass building because he wanted to actually see me in person after hearing about my past." Sho raised an eyebrow with one hand covering his mouth. "Did he do anything to you inappropriate!" Sho asked with and intense look on his face. "No. No. Well I mean he only caused me fall off the building". Sho hair immediately raised ready to go after him. "Baby no it's okay I handle myself no need to worry". After a while Sho finally calmed himself down.

Sho didn't even say a word. He just went straight to bed. "Is he mad at me?" I thought as I went after a while to head to bed aswell. As I got into the bedroom Sho was facing the opposite way from me and spread across the bed. I just didn't wanna make him any more furious. So I went and slept into the other bedroom. Morning came and it was time for my first day to work as a pro hero under Hawks agency. Sho was still sleeping so I wrote a note stating that I'll be at work.

Since I'm not in school anymore and that I gonna be a full time hero at a real agency I decide to change my hero look and name. I'm going the with Hero name Red Devil. I changed my costume to be best fitting for myself. *costume look in picture above*
I adjusted it with more spaces to hold more of my blades. And I wear a mask not only to look intimidating but it's sexy and badass asf.

After some time I finally reach the agency. I took a deep breath in and out before entering. Noticing that's not a freaking soul is there I walked in saying "hello anyone?" Still no answers. I did that two more time and still there was no response. "Fuck me of this is a prank". I said before sucking up my pride and yelling "HAWKSS". He flashed down in front of me Ike lightning. "It took you long enough" he said whiles smirking. "Follow me" he said as he lead me to his office. I held my head in the palm of my Hands thinking "what the fawk I gotten myself into".

To be continued.....

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