Twenty six

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*The next day*

"Hey wake up". I said to Sho. But that didn't work.
"Dude get up". I said as I continually pushed against him. But nothing. It was as if he's dead. I quickly felt his heart beat and was relieved when he wasn't dead but just sleeping like one. I tickled me push and screamed at him and it all was useless he didn't even budge. He leave me with no other choice. I crawled back up in bed and laid very close next to him and started saying "hey babe yeah he's asleep you could come for me now I'll just tell him I'm at work". Within seconds he jumped up toss my phone against the wall pinned me down to the bed and was like "Who the fuck were you talking to Mya". I just laughed and slid from underneath him.

I tried everything to get you to wake up and you left me with no other choice. "Mya your gonna leave me because I didn't wake up? He asked angrily. "What no ugh you don't get it. I pretended to be talking with another guy so you would've gotten your ass up and it worked". He lets out a sigh of relief and walks towards me and pushed me against the wall. "Don't you dare do that again or I'll have to punish you kitty". Hearing such daring yet sexy made me weak to my knees and i fell to the ground. "He just laughed and walked out the room stating that we're even.

I then started to think of ways to get him back until my phone started ringing. When I picked it up it was Yuki calling. And I missed her som much so I immediately answered. "Hey bitch" she shouted. I replied "I miss you hoe" and we both started laughing at each other. "Hey I'm coming back to town. My agency said that want me to work from home. Haha get it". I said nothing. "Oh cmon that was funny. But anyways I get to see you everyday and we could work together." We both literally squealed like little girls. I then realized her birthday is coming up in a few days which is Halloween which is spooky season and she loves this time of year it would be a great time to surprise her. "Hey hello earth to Mya. You dose off on the phone. But anyways I got to finish pack I'm leaving tonight I should be there by tomorrow afternoon.

Do you think Aizawa would give me a ride from the airport. I just started laughing for some reason until I realized what she said. "Wait what you say?" I asked. "Yeah do you think Zawa would give me a ride. I know you're dating and your always together so do you think he could do me this favor. "Wait you knew all this time ?" I asked surprised. "Uh yeah Mya I'm your best friend I noticed things. Like how he would look at you in class and how you would blush when you see him and that night when I said him and he asked about you. And what made it even more noticeable is when you left with him on your birthday and how he got mad when that guy danced with you at prom. I understand why you probably didn't tell me and I understand". I was in complete shock

"I'm really sorry I kept it from you for so long" I said remorseful. "Don't sweat it". I wished I could've hugged her now. "I only have one question for you". Yuki said with an evil tone. Me being her friend already knows what she's gonna ask I quickly said "No I'm not answering that". She beg and beg until I did so I finally replied. "You wanna know what it's like right? Well it feels like the first time every time". She began to squeal on the phone. We both laughed and she said that she had to go to finish pack.

After the call Sho called me into the kitchen as entering he threw a fake spider at me and I nearly had a heart attack. I screamed so loudly I began to cry. He just laughed and said that it's more of that and winked at me. I was still in shock form the spider I couldn't bring out my words properly I started to stutter which made him laughed even more. About a min later I finally caught a hold of myself and I walked up to him pointing in his face stating that I will get revenge on him.

He disagreed stating that I'm to scared for that. I ignored him and went back to the room to get ready for hero work a.k.a morning patrol. After I got dress and left whiles Sho went to a U.A meeting. When I reach my watch point to patrol. I walked around every neighborhood and park and then decided to sit on a rooftop for a better view. As I reached the top I saw a familiar person again. He was just sitting on the edge of the building with his mask and hoddie . I walked up to him and tapped his shoulders. "I'm sorry but you look familiar have we seen each other before?" He just looked up at me and then back down at the ground. "Wait your that guy I bumped into the other week.

"Wow congratulations". He said in such a deep voice.     "What you want ? Gonna turn me in to the hero's?"  I was confused? "I don't even know you why would I do that?" He looked at me almost disgusted. "So you're a hero and don't know who I am?  I got annoyed and said "just get to the point". He huffed an then said "the names Dabi what should I call you?    "That's okay no need to know that". I sat down next to him and he began to talk about his past and about his family and it he sounded so concerned.

He really sounded hurt and betrayed in some way and I wished I could help but I'm not a therapist. After som time he left and I went back home after being done with patrol I took  shower and went to relax on the couch to watch something on tv and I heard someone rang the doorbell. And as I went to get the door there was a strange box sitting out side my door. I brought it inside very skeptical on opening but after a while I did and I couldn't believe my eyes on what I saw.

To be continued......

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