cherry gummies🍃

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Jayla had only been there for a day and was already extremely bored. Leslie was living up to her promise with both Jayla and Rue.

Jayla hated the fact that Gia got to have more fun than her and Rue combined. Her summer had already been super average. She had only went to 5 parties and only had 7 hook ups. Which trust me was disappointing in the eyes of the Bennett twins.

They had been on the partying everyday the summer of 15 before Jess couldn't show up anymore... then Jayla felt like she had to party for two.
She hated feeling like she had eyes on her 24/7 and even if Leslie wasn't watching her and her parents weren't calling her. Rue was watching her... because that was really the only thing she could do.

Her mom wanted her to be home for a while before she went to see anyone. Which she kind of understood but she had been home for three days, and she wondered if they were just going to continue to waste their last weeks of summer.

"C'mon Rue, school's like too close. Are we really gonna waste it?" Jayla asked her cousin as she looked at the ceiling, bored. "Like I get that you just got out of rehab, but you seriously can't even go out to the park or something?" Jayla cried out as she rolled onto her stomach dramatically.

"Look as soon as my mom let's me, we can go out somewhere. I mean she never said you can't go." Jayla hadn't really thought about that. "You should probably look around the neighborhood anyways. You haven't been here in a while." Rue suggested.

"Fine whatever, anything you want from the cornerstore?" Jayla asked as she started to pull off her long pajama shirt and put on a cute little outfit. She grabbed her wallet and waited for Rue to give her an answer.

"Only things I know I can't have." Rue huffed laying on her back. She pulled at the sides of her covers. Jayla gave her a sympathetic look and walked out the door. She grabbed Rue's bike and stopped when she finally saw a corner store.

     She opened the door and went straight to the candy isle. She grabbed cherry gummies and some of Rue and Gia's favorite candy. And got some Arizona teas from the fridge in the back.

She walked up to the cash register to see a fine ass cashier. Her thoughts were quickly put to a stop when he scanned her stuff. "That'll be 5.97 beautiful." The ginger told her. She cleared her throat, trying to dismiss the rosy color sneaking onto her cheeks.

Of course she'd been complimented before. But when he complimented her, she couldn't help but feel her cheeks warm. She then brought out her card and he swiped it. "I ain't ever seen you around here, you new?" He asked her as bagged her things. "It's weird though... I feel like I remember you." he said under his breath, loud enough for her to hear.

"I mean sort of... my cousin lives here and I'm staying with her for a while." Jayla explained, grabbing the bag out of his hands. She decided to discard the last thing he said.

"Shit, I remember that voice too... Jessie... right?" He asked her. Jayla's eyes widened. She wasn't surprised, they had visited Rue many times and made friends with some people from her school, but why wouldn't she tell her about him? Jayla finally met his eyes after disappearing into her thoughts again.

"Uh that would be my sister. I'm Jayla." Jayla tried to sound sweet but ended up sounding really awkward. She saw the cashier's face light up. She didn't know why, but she as she tried to connect some dots, she hoped she was wrong.

She really hoped that her sister didn't fuck him.

"So you're the famous Jayla, Jess told me about? Man that's crazy. I'm Fezco by the way. How she been?" He asked leaning on the counter that separated them. Jayla didn't know how to respond. What if this was one of Jess' many flings... what if they were friends.

How the fuck was she supposed to tell a former fuck buddy or friend that her sister was gone for good. She then realized she didn't care and that if he was close enough to her, then he would've known.

"Oh Jessie, she's ya know... dead." Jayla said nonchalantly as she put her wallet back into her jean pocket. Fezco's jaw immediately dropped. "What were you to her anyway?" Jada asked calmly, even though she desperately wanted to know. Secretly hoping they were just friends.

"I guess you could say we were homies, she would drop by every once in a while and got... well she got cherry gummies just like you." Fezco explained, pointing to Jayla's bag. Jayla's face immediately softened.

"That's- that's nice... well I've got to um... I've got to go" Jayla told Fezco not really knowing why she had stayed for so long. She checked her phone nervously hoping she wasn't in trouble with her aunt.

"I mean... do you really have to?" Fezco asked Jayla. Jayla's eyes flickered between her hands and his face. She was never one to be nervous, so she had no idea what he was doing to her.

"Well I guess not..." Jayla told him honestly. "but what would I even do? I already got the shit I need." Jayla told him, holding up the bag that was in her hand.

"You would talk to me dumbass, I really want to get to know the famous Jayla that Jess wouldn't shut up about." Fezco said with a wide smile that automatically made Jayla small too. Jayla thought about it for a minute and realized she didn't have anything better to do. So, she sent a text to Leslie so she wouldn't go crazy and sat on a stool in front of Fezco.

"Alrighttt, let's get to know each other Fez!" Jayla said in a childish tone. Still, Fez found her goofy ass extremely cute.

Alright ya'llll here's the second chapter!!

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