Biologi Uppgift 2

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Protealytic enzymes, (also called proteases) are very important for the human body and can be found in the pancreas, stomach and mouth. These kinds of enzymes are responsible for breaking down the proteins in foods into amino acids so that the body can use them for energy. Some other processes mediated by proteases are blood coagulation, immune function, bone formation, programmed cell death, and the recycling of  proteins that are no longer needed. 

The over production or intake of proteases can cause tissue inflammation and or damage. Digestive issues like nauseous, diarrhea or vomiting can also occur. But if taken as a pill in the right doses, they can help ease pain or soreness in muscles and joints. Being protease deficient would mean being deficient in protein, since the body would not be able to properly absorb it.

This could cause increased alkaline levels in the blood, and effect the bones and other things that follow protein such as water and glucose. People with increased akaline levels could get arthritis, osteoporosis, ligament problems and more. Inadequate protein digestion could also lead to hypoglycemia, swelling, ear infections, and toxic colon.
I think anything having to do with the digestive system is very important.

If we are unable to digest essential things for our bodies it will effect other things and we won't be able to function very well.

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