A New Beginning... I Guess

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I fiddled with my hands as I waited in the hallway of my family's new house. I won't call it mine, I didn't choose to migrate to a tiny podunk mountain town, that's my dads fault. However, I'm 16 and way too young to get my own place, so I stay with these parental units, but only because I have to. 

"Alright! Are you ready to go to school?" My dad comes shuffling down our carpeted staircase and grabs a knit scarf off of the adjacent wall.

"Yeah I guess. But I can drive myself, so don't worry about me." I answer.

My father swings the door open, motioning for me to exit.

"I know, but I've gotta check this school out, you know, to see if it's safe, because if it's sketchy, I'm gonna need to further investigate." 

"Sure." I nod bitterly as I crawl into the car. I wish my dad wasn't so involved, I can't have a real life with him always breathing down my neck. I'm old enough to take care of myself, but he seems to think I'm a 6 year old. 

After a short but anxiety-ridden ride to my new school, my dad peeks out the window and reads a sign that says "South Park High". We pull into the driveway right in front of the eyestrain yellow building. 

"Have fun. Don't smoke or vape or anything, just do your work and learn stuff. Tell me if there's anything suspicious going on." My father leans out of the car window. He hands me a black hat and a pair of leather gloves. "Stay warm." He says, it almost sounds like a command rather than a loving reminder. 

I grab the items and turn on my heel, swiftly trudging into the school standing before me. 

The inside isn't worse that the outside, I mean nothing could be, right? But it's still pretty bad. A bunch of cramped lockers are pushed up against a wall, some of them are threatening to fall off. There are various stains of Satan knows what on the linoleum floor, and the lights on the ceiling flicker ominously. I push through a throng of students, receiving some glares and looks from them. I make my way to the principals office, where a tired looking woman with a mass of blonde curly hair sits.

"Oh, you must be y/n. Come in dear!" The woman squeaks. She hands me a class schedule and a few textbooks.

"Ooh! Looks like your first class is in 5 minutes! Better run along so you don't miss it!" She says urgently. I thank her and go on my way. 

I really have no clue where I'm going, so I sprint along the halls, searching for the English room. I finally reach the door, just after the bell rings. I enter the class and I'm introduced by the teacher. My peers don't seem to care, most of them nod and then look at their desks. The class was incredibly ordinary. 

After English is finished, I have 10 minutes in between classes. Immediately after I exit the room, I'm bombarded with a group of girls.

"Oh my god hiiii! You're new here right? I'm Wendy!" A girl with raven hair and a pink crop top cries.

"Oh, hi, I-I'm Y/N." I stutter reluctantly. I am not used to this kind of aggressively nice attention. 

"Cool! I'm Nicole! I like your boots by the way!" Another girl adds, as she points to my platform Doc Martens.

"Uh, thanks!" I scratch the back of my head, wondering what these girls actually want from me.

"So we were wondering if you would like to hang out with us after school?" A female with bright red hair inquires.

"Sure... sure, I guess let me know the details!" I say quietly, I didn't want to refuse and be pegged as ungrateful.

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