Why do I fall in love so quickly? Why does my mind elevate people to godlike status after a mere gaze? How come it never works out? And how come this time it did?
I turned on my side, half asleep, these thoughts flooding my mind. It took me a while to get up, I opened my eyes to see Michael snoozing soundly.
Michael's POV:
Y/N's eyes slowly closed, I gazed at her beautiful yet broken face. There was something gorgeous in the cracked porcelain of this doll, her split lip reminded me of a crescent moon, her black eye resembled an inky galaxy at midnight. Though I cleaned most of the blood from her nose, it continued to run like a sea of glistening rubies. She made me yearn to create a poetic piece about her, but she herself was a poem, complex and beautiful, but also raw, in a sort of rip-your-heart-out sort of way. I knew I needed to be here for her, so I momentarily checked my phone, and drifted off, thoughts of her overpowering my conscience.
Y/N's POV:
I smiled at his calm face, taking it in. I didn't get to fully enjoy it in the morning since I was so panicked, but now, I could drink up every second that I was with him. God his pale skin seemed so fragile, a lock of his hair fell onto his temple cutely. His hands were wrapped around a pillow tightly, his mouth hung open, black lipstick smearing on the grey sheets. I wondered where Pete was, and I, again, felt guilty about using his hospitality. I would definitely need to repay him somehow.
I heard a quiet yawn, and looked over and saw Michael awakening. His chocolate brown eyes slowly opened and focused.
"Hey. You're awake!" I weakly say.
"Hi, you are too!" He reaches his finger out to boop my nose.
I slowly scoot closer to him, he discards his pillow and reaches his arm out to wrap around my back.
"Hold me... hold me with your unwavering hand." I whisper.
"And all shall be good; the night and day will collide in solace..." he replies.
"And the two worlds will become one, once more." I speak the lines from our poetry speed round from the night before.
I nestle my face in his chest, both of our hearts beating rapidly. He gently strokes my back with one hand, and rests the other on top of my head, playing with my hair. I gaze up at him, our eyes meet. I kiss the partially exposed skin on his chest, he catches his breath. We don't go to sleep, we just savor this moment, not speaking, but we both have the same words to say. We let our thoughts run free through the jungles of our minds and we let our hearts beat in unison. We are the two worlds colliding, we make one, the night and day combine, and what is left is a breathtaking sunset.
Hey guys! Sorry this chapter was significantly shorter than the others, I really wanted this one to be more poetic and focus on a small event, and the beauty that lies in it. It's kinda draining but also super satisfying to be descriptive and use all of these analogies and literary devices! It was super fun though! Thanks for reading!

Smoke ~ a Goth Kids fanfiction
FanfictionChange was an uncommon occurrence in South Park. After a TV program by the same name had swept through the quiet mountain town, no one had strayed from their characters on the show, however the goth kids had. Once you arrive in the town, you are swe...