Good Morning!

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I opened my eyes to the bright sunlight peeking in through blackout curtains, and I adjusted my pillow and rolled over.



Didn't I fall asleep in the car?

My eyes bolted open to view an edgy bedroom with a myriad of posters and artwork appearing to be Pete's on the wall. I suddenly remembered him saying that he'd leave the key under the mat last night. I rolled over and gasped, seeing Michael dozing next to me, clutching a pillow, his blanket pulled all the way up to his chin. I smiled, he looked so sweet and innocent. But... did I just sleep next to him? Holy shit, this was turning out to be an eventful occurrence.

"Hey, wake up sleepyheads!" A raspy voice said. 

I gazed up and saw Pete standing in the doorway with bed head, smeared eyeliner, and skull pajamas. He looked a lot less threatening like this. I felt Michael roll over next to me, I turned my head to view him. His eyes fluttered open and he whispered,


"Hello." I responded.

"Yeah greetings. I need to get to my closet which you two are blocking so if you would kindly move I will be forever in your debt." Pete said sarcastically. 

I look over at Michael, who's raking his hand through his hair. He smiles and me and shrugs. We groggily hop up and Pete nods.

"So it looks like you guys got plenty of sleep last night." His voice rang from his closet with the sound of hangers being dragged against their rack. 

"Yeah, it was nice. Honestly I haven't slept this good in a while." Michael yawned.

"Thanks for putting your key under the mat, man." I thanked him.

"Wait I thought you were out for that?" Michael said, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh uh... I was, I was just, I mean I heard him mention it when he left the car..." I quickly tried to save myself, I figured that Michael had to carry me to the location of Pete's room, and that made my cheeks heat up just thinking about it. 

"Oh ok. So I didn't carry you up the stairs for nothing then!" He chuckled.

So he did... god I feel so awkward....

Pete emerged from his closet sporting a grey button up, leather lace-up pants, and some hideously amazing purple platform heels.

"Spirit Halloween opens today, and you conveniently had your first day of school on a Friday, so I guess we're free to go then, y/n?" Pete asked nonchalantly.

 "Hell yeah! I'd go with you guys even if there was school!" I giggled. "Uh, hey, can I run home and grab some new clothes? It might be awhile because my dads gonna be pissed that I was gone all night." 

"How about... you take a look in my closet, if you want." Pete offered.

It honestly sounded like a better deal than going home, so I obliged.

"Thanks again man, first you drive me around, then let me sleep here, and now I'm gonna be wearing your clothes!" I feel like I can't thank him enough for his generosity.

"Any time, you're chill!" He responds. 

His closet is filled with goth clothes, literally all goth, nothing else. It's hard for me to find something, since he's a good 6 sizes bigger than me, but I eventually emerge wearing an oversized black sweater that has a coffin embroidered on the breast, and a pair of baggy acid washed jeans with rips in them. 

"Stylish as fuck if you ask me, now, how about I do your makeup?" Michaels deep voice cuts the air in an almost seductive way.

"Ok ok guys, I draw the line at makeup, you don't know what germs could be transferred through it!" Pete waves his hands in disgust.

"That's ok, man. I have a travel case in my coat pocket." Michael humors him.

We retreat into the bathroom after he obtained his makeup. I now notice that his white shirt is completely unbuttoned, I swallow hard. 

"Am I gonna get germs from your makeup?" I giggle.

"Not unless you want some." He licks his lips as he brings the eyeliner up to the corner of my eye. I watch him intently as he works, his brows ruffle in an adorable way and he crinkles his nose every time he makes a tiny mistake. 

"Ok I think you're good!" He spins me around to face the mirror, I look fantastic, like I've never looked before. 

"Oh my gosh! Thank you! This is beautiful!" I exclaim as I hug him around the neck (bold move, I know). 

"I mean... you're always beautiful, but I'm glad you like it." He rubs the back of his neck. "And for me, I just do this..." he slaps some black lipstick on and puckers his lips, making me blush through my pale foundation. 

"So, lets go get spooky!" I say, Michael does a strange excited wiggle, and we leave the bathroom. I can't believe we just hardcore flirted... I'm in my happy place for absolutely sure! 

Pete is poised with red eyeshadow and upside-down crosses drawn onto his cheeks. "I called Henrietta, but she's super sick today, I'm not sure what's up with her but she said it was a bad cough, and we all know that Firkle is way too scared to set foot in a Spirit Halloween, so I guess it's just us." He explains.

I let Michael ride shotgun, I'm more than happy to be in the backseat. We jam out to some music, and before we know it, we arrive at our creepy destination. We exit the car and gaze upon the magnificence of the building. 

"I've been waiting for this since last year!" Pete exclaims as he breaks out into a slow sprint into the store. I laugh and look up at Michael, beaming. He smirks at me and bites his lip. 

"Satan forgive me but you are a pretty little thing." He purrs as he looks me directly in the eye. I almost lose balance, but not before he laces his long fingers into mine, I stare up at him, starry eyed. 

"I can tell you like me." His voice dripped like chocolate off of my ears. 

"You can?" I gasp.

He raises an eyebrow and nods as we start walking hand-in-hand. 

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