Suprise Part 22

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"John Cena!" 

"Fuck." I groan feeling the pain in my stomach.

If you don't have a clue about what just happened, let me tell you. I was dreaming about me being in Hogwarts when Nessa thought she was Jhon Cena and jumped on my belly.

"Get up, were going to be late!" She exited my room and I did my morning routine.

I went downstairs and hugged my aunt. I grabbed my bookbag and organized my books. I made Nessa's lunchbox and grabbed my skateboard. 

"Nessa let's go." I knocked on her door and she walked out. She grabbed her skateboard and I gave her her things and we skated to the school.

As we were about to take a turn I made a trick and made eye-contact with a boy. He had light brown hair, tanned skin, green eyes, fit, tall, and he skates. I could tell by his board. He winked at me and I smiled at him. Nessa wanted to stop by the park to give some money to a homeless man. We arrived and she placed her $10 on his cup, I placed $20. The man smiled and we nodded. I suddenly felt someone touch me I look back and see the boy. 

"Hey." He smiled.

"Hi?" I laughed.

"I was wondering if I could get your number so we could... ya know, skate." He scratched the back of his neck. 

"Sure." I placed my number in his phone and we both smiled and blushed.

"I'm Ricardo btw but call me Ricardito." I nodded.

"So, were are you from?" I asked him.

"Puerto Rico." He looked at Nessa and I gasped.

"No way, I'm Puerto Rican too." We laughed.

"Y/n." I smiled and he nodded.

"Welp I gotta go but see you later." He nodded and me and Nessa skated our way to school.

Hm Ricardito, I have heard that name before.

We arrived and we walked over to the others.

"Hey." I smiled and they all smiled.

"Y/n, Nessa, I have a surprise for y'all." Chase spoked.

"REALLY?!" Nessa hugged Chase and he picked her up. 

Nessa loves surprises.

"But y'all need to wait for the end of the day." He said and Nessa frowned.

"Hey princess." Payton hugged me from behind.

"Hey Payt." I turned around and hugged him properly.

"Ship!" Avani and Riley said at the same time.

"Can y'all just marry each other already." Emily hugged Sam.

I rolled my eyes and Payt looked down. The bell rang and we entered the building. 

Skip to culinary class

"Payton, give me the groceries." I tried to snatch it from him.

"No, for the last time, I can carry it." He was obviously struggling but he wouldn't let me help.

We arrived and I entered annoyed and sat down with my arms crossed. He laughs at me and I just scoff. 

"Alright class, welcome, get your stuff ready and begin working." 

We started making the sushi and all that. We made 5 rolls when the teacher told us to go in front and say who the person is.

"So I'm Y/n and this is Payton and we made some sushi." Payton showed the dish to the class.

"We chose Chase cause he's literally the most kindest, pure person that exists and he has done so much for me so I wanted to repay him with his fav meal." I saw Chase smiling and letting a tear fall down his cheek.

We sat down and gave Chase some sushi, we ate the rest. The class ended and we got dismissed. We ate lunch and took the rest of the classes. 

"So what's the surprise?" Nessa jumped in Chase's arms as we walked to the  lockers.

"I can't tell you, it's a supsrise." Chase laughed and Nessa rolled her eyes.

We arrived and I saw all of our friends. I got confused but I kept going. Everyone was staring at us. I started to get nervous. Suddently someone placed their hands in my eyes. I quickly elbowed him/her in the stomach cause of my fast reflexes. I looked back and saw.

"PAYTON." He groaned while I helped him up.

"Sorry." I said embarrassed. 

"Your good." He smiled and we kept walking.

We then got to the middle of the hall when Chase said.

"SUPRISE!" He made jazz hands and everyone looked at him confused but still filmed.

I looked in front of me and saw the same boy I saw at the park. I tilted my head and looked at Chase confused, the boy looked at Chase the same way. 

"Really?" Chase said clearly disappointed. 

"What?! That's the boy I met at the park today." I looked at and he nodded.

"Y/n, Ricardito." He said but I still didn't remember.

We both widened our eyes and looked at each other. 

"NO." I said and Chase nodded.

"AHH!" I yelled and we ran as fast as we could to each other. 

We hugged but it was too strong that we both fell down, me ontop of him. I started crying happily and he laughed and shed a few tears. He picked me up from the ground but I just couldn't let go. I looked at him then hugged him again. He set me down and everyone started clapping. I giggled and wiped off my tears.

"Wait is that-" He pointed at Nessa and I nodded.

Nessa looked at me confused but then her jaw dropped.

"Where's my hug?" He kneeled down and Nessa ran to him and hugged him. While they hugged I ran over to Chase and hugged him. 

"Thank you, so much, I- I don't know how to repay you, you've done so much for me and-" I said in between sobs but he just cut me off by hugging me. The dedication he puts into hugging people is amazing. 

"I love you so much." I cried in his chest.

"I love you too." He kissed my forehead.

"Dude, I've missed you." River bro hugged him.

"Yeah man, it hasn't been the same without you." Sam hugged him.

He laughed and I ran over to them. I grabbed his hand and we interwined our fingers. 

"Guys this is Ricardito, he's another of my childhood best friends." They all introduced themselves. 

"Well Y/n we were thinking on going to Olive Garden." Jaden said and Mads nodded.

"Sure!" I said and we drove to Olive Garden. 

Nessa fell asleep in Ricardito so I held his hand and placed my head on Payton's shoulder.

"Glad your happy princess." 

Was all I heard when I fell asleep.

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