Getting Tickets- Lucy

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Hello hello! This is my first story so please give me feedback!

This chapter is sorta short, but the next one should be longer.

Lucy smiles softly as she hangs up her apron. She covered two extra shifts today for her best friends Alex and Rose. They hadn't explained why, but Lucy was just too nice to question. They all work at a Starbucks downtown, but everyone knows New York City could be grueling. Rush hours were getting worse and worse. Even with another Starbucks right across the street.

Humming slightly, she began her walk home, to the apartment that all three shared. It isn't that far and Lucy loves walking in weather like this, chilly and slightly windy, but nothing too strong. 

It isn't long before she reaches their place and is taking off her shoes at the door. "Luc? Is that you?"  Rose calls out. Lucy rolls her eyes and heads towards the kitchen.

"Nope, it's a robber." Lucy says sarcastically. Alex jumps around the corner causing Lucy to flinch. "You better get those hands up then!" Alex shouts. 

Alex is pretty crazy. She's got curly, light brown hair, and dark green eyes. She had always dragged Lucy everywhere and anywhere when they were younger, trying to break her out of her shell. Which worked, but only after ten years or so. Alex's focus is and will always be on music. Lucy and Rose nicknamed her "The Prodigy" because she learned to play piano and guitar by the time she was eight. But music is the only thing she takes seriously.

Rose, on the other hand, is a bit more like Lucy. Her dirty blonde hair is always pulled up or held back by a headband that normally complement her dark brown eyes. Sure, she'll go to clubs and bars with Alex sometimes, but she'd rather stay inside with her laptop or a book. She isn't shy at all, she'd just rather be sarcastic and cracking jokes with friends. She's kinda all over the place, but in the best way possible. 

That left Lucy. She always thought that she was the boring one out of the group. Her dark brown hair waved slightly and contrasted against her pale skin. But she had freckles all over the place. The only thing Lucy particularly liked about her appearance were her blue eyes. She loved them actually. 

"So can you explain why you made me cover your shifts?" Lucy asks, putting her hands on her hips. She only gets a laugh in response. 

"Well you see, there's this band full of super talented-"

"Super hot-"

"guys, and we had a chance to win tickets to go to their first concert of their new tour!" Rose finishes, even after being interrupted by Alex. Lucy just glances between the two before sighing. She knows the band that they're talking about.

5 Seconds of Summer. 

It isn't that Lucy doesn't like their music. They're very talented and she listens to them more than she'd like to admit. She just always hears about them from Alex and Rose. Posters are scattered across the apartment, every interview has been watched, and the music has been put on blast for weeks at a time. 

"So you guys got the tickets?" Lucy asks them, putting on a small smirk. Their faces had already given it away, and Alex's squeal confirmed it. "Awesome you guys!"

"Glad you think so..." Rose says and grins at her. "Because we have an extra ticket." Lucy couldn't even comprehend anything enough to roll her eyes.

Lucy was always a little shy, but with people she trusted she could really be herself. Her funny, weird self. However, large crowds full of fans were not her thing. No matter what her friends tried to do. 

"Oh no, stop that. I'm not going." Lucy says while turning on her heel, trying to get away from the conversation. Both of her friends groaned in disappointment and followed her anyways.

"Luc, we know you love their music," Lucy's face began to tint red, "and you'd have to be blind to not see how gorgeous they are, what's the problem here?" Alex demanded. Lucy isn't gonna win this argument no matter what. It's already two against one and they have good points. She glances down before mumbling, "Yeah I'll go."

The apartment is then full of screeching, squealing and talking about what they were gonna wear.

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