Concert - Lucy

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Hey guys! This might be my last chapter for a week or so! I've been pretty busy lately so idk!

Once again comments and sharing is really helpful! Thanks :) 

Note: I added a bit to this and chapter 6 will be after the concert

Lucy doesn't know the opening act. The girl's a great singer honestly, and she plays guitar. Lucy's been messing with her hat the whole time, fixing her hair. The guys won't come on for another thirty minutes.

"Hey, do you think they'll remember us?" Rose asks. Alex nods furiously and grins.

"We're pretty unforgettable, don't you think?" She says leaning back in her seat, smirking and crossing her arms. Lucy laughs harder than she should, mainly becuse she's pretty forgettable. Maybe he won't forget hitting her with a door though.

"Thanks so much for being here tonight! This is just incredible! Now for the guys, they'll be out in ten minutes. Once again, thank you so much, good night!" The girl shouted at the audience. In responce, she got screaming and cheering.

"I'm excited!" A girl beside Lucy says. Lucy nods and smiles. "Who's your favorite?" She asks.

"Uh, I don't know. Calum I guess." Lucy responds, her face tinting red. The girl grins and nods.

"I love Ashton! He's so cute, and so talented wow. Whenever I see him I wanna faint, and-" She starts to go on, like any fangirl would, but the boy next to her interrupts.

"C'mon, Dez, no one cares." The guy teases. Dez sticks her tongue out at him. "Hey I'm Ryan, that's Dezzy." He says and points at the girl beside him.

"I'm Lucy, and I'm also excited." She tells them and winks at Dezzy.

"Good! He's only here to meet cute girls." Dezzy says rolling her eyes. Ryan goes to protest, but now she cuts him off. "Well he likes the band too. Or so he says."

Alex and Rose join the conversation and the five of them talk all about their favorite songs and other stuff Lucy would never talk about with people she just met. Well, expect for today. Everything about the concert was new to her. It wasn't as chaotic as she imagined. Most people we're extra excited, especially the ones near her. It was probably being so close to the stage.

"Here to save the day..." A voice booms through the crowds. Cheering begins.

"But mainly to make good music.." It continues. The cheering is mixed with screaming, high pitched screaming. Instead of continuing, four shadows appear on the stage. Lucy starts cheering too. On the big screen above them, the boys superhero names appear. Each one is dress like their superhero.

"How cute!" Rose yells, which makes Lucy giggle. The first few notes of What I Like About You fill the stadium. Everyone sings along, off key mostly. When the songs over, Luke starts talking.

"Hello New York City!" There's more screaming. "How are you tonight?"

"I'm great thanks." Ashton jokes. Whatever these boys say, there's screaming.

"In between songs we thought it'd be more fun if we got you involved." Calum tells them. Lucy cheers for that. "So get on twitter and use the hastag 5sosnyc and we'll answer some questions!" He says excitedly and strums his guitar at the end.

"What a dork." Michael says, which causes Calum to roll his eyes. "Alright, how about Good Girls?"


"That was The Only Reason! One of my favorites." Luke sighs.

"Hey Luke, you think we should read some tweets?" Ashton asks. The audience goes crazy. Rose had sent out ten tweets, Alex too.

"Alright, this one is from Rose Hemmings. Luke, I didn't know you were married." Michael says acting facinated. Rose's face goes completely red and is burrying her face into Lucy's shoulder.

"I didn't either." Luke responds and laughs.

"Hmm, okay. But she made cupcakes of us! Look look look." Michael says and the picture pops up on the screen.

"Woooooooooow!" Calum shouts.

"I look sick!" Ashton yells. "That was very awesome of her." The other boys nod along.

"I mean apparently we're married, but I didn't get a cupcake." Luke says and pouts. "Anyways, let's look at somemore.

Dez reaches across Rose while the boys are reading more tweets.

"Was that your tweet?" Rose nods. "Those were sooooooo cute! And OMG they read your tweet! That's awesome! Luke totally didn't seem freaked out by your screen name either. I mean-" Dez rants again. Ryan just grabs her and covers her mouth.

"Sorry about that." He says laughing. Rose just shrugs. "It was pretty cool though."

Their attention goes back to the band, once they start to play Beside You. It was one of Lucy's favorites. Alex reached across and grabbed Lucy's arm and was singing to her. Lucy sang back, and they both looked ridiculous. They ended up laughing all the way through Greenlight.

"Tweets? Tweets?" Calum asks and there's more cheering.

"Oh! Here's one about how we met her." Ashton says. The rest of the boys started chanting, "Read it! Read it!" Which got the crowd to do it too. "Okay, okay, okay!" He shouts over them. "Alex says: My friends and I work at Starbucks. While you were coming in you hit one of them in the face."

"Hey that was just Calum!" Michael clarifies.

"Yeah. Sorry Lucy!" He says sheepishly.

"Well, without Calum hitting her in the face she wouldn't like his eyebrows."

"Oh yeah! Lucy loves my eyebrows." Calum smirks. Lucy is glaring at him, even though he's not even looking in his direction.

"You don't think she got anything serious from that right?" Luke asks.

"Luke don't you dare." Michael warns.

"Like amnesia?" Luke grins, proud of himself. Calum doubles over fake laughing, before the song starts.

Lucy grabs her phone, and turns the flashlight on. Calum could see her from where she is, but he hasn't even looked. She's kinda frustrated, but she doesn't know why. Tons of the girls here also wants Calum to look at them, so why was Lucy on the verge of freaking out. She looks up at the screen to see her and her friends, waving their phones and singing their hearts out. She smiles even wider.

Her attention goes back to the boys. At the very end of the song, Calum sees her.

This concert is the best already.


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