Ready for the Concert - Lucy and Calum

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Hi everyone! I can't believe my story has blown up this much.. and it's not even a lot lol. 

Anyways, if you've made it this far I salute you. I love you all!

Also as you can tell, this one is gonna be a special chapter. It jumps ahead a couple days and it'll have both Lucy and Calum. Enjoy! (Even though the Calum section is short)

Lucy was actually pretty excited. Alex and Rose insisted that she spend more than five minutes picking out her outfit, but she didn't know why. At a concert, she'll get all sweaty and she actually wants to move. 

"Alex where's the curling iron?" 

"Lucy where's my new eyeshadow?" 

Her friends have decided to get ready hours ahead of time. Once again she doesn't see why, but that happens a lot with Rose and Alex. They felt like they had to look amazing. 

"Luc!" Rose whines and stomps into her room. "Does my hair look okay? I thought I messed it up." Her hair seriously looks perfect. Lucy rolls her eyes and gets back on the computer. Rose knows what that means and grins. Without saying another word, she runs out of the room happy with her answer. 

After the 5sos education, they made Lucy get a tumblr. It wasn't a big deal to her, she didn't think she'd go on it. Man, she was wrong. She's been on the past four days, staying up later than she should. She wouldn't call herself a super fan, but she follows a lot of 5sos blogs. That doesn't count Alex and Rose's.

"Lucy!" Alex calls out. She sets her laptop down and heads to her. "Which one?"  Alex holds up two outfits. The first is a black romper with a black and white bandana and the second is a short, black and white striped dress. Why would she want to wear a dress?

"Easy, romper." Alex frowns a bit, but then she nods and walks away muttering something to herself. 'Okay then.' Lucy thinks. 


Calum's nervous. The concert starts in two hours, and that's just the opening act. Him and the boys have been on tour, but that was with One Direction. Never had they had a whole audience coming just for them.

They're all messing around, and his nerves are forgotten. This is why he does what he does. It's for the music and his band. 

"Calum, how ya feelin'?" Luke asks shaking him slightly. 

"Pretty good, you?" He responds glancing sideways. Luke grimaces. "Aw, c'mon. It's gonna be awesome! All the fans, shredding the guitar, singing." He assures him, doing strange movements with each one. Luke chuckles. 

"You're crazy." Luke says ruffling his hair. Calum pretends to pout, which makes Michael laugh too. 

"Hey, so the girl who like your eyebrows is gonna be here tonight." Ashton points out. 

"Doesn't everyone like my eyebrows?" Calum asks pouting again. He knows who Ashton's talking about. Lucy. She's different then a regular fan. Actually he's not really sure if she is a fan. 

"Oh come off it," Michael says smirking, "You know exactly who he's talking about." Luke oohs in the background and Calum ignores them. 

So what if he remembers her? She seemed cool. She was quiet, but when they came back in she wasn't. She really nice too. She's just the kind girl he'd hang out with. 

"Ehhh let's just leave him alone." Luke says. The conversation is dropped for sure when Ashton and Luke pick up water guns and declare a war. 


The mirror is still foggy an hour after Lucy's shower. She's straightened her hair, and braid a small part that she pulled back. 

"Alex can I do makeup in your room?" She calls, and automatically hears a distant yes. She grabs her outfit and heads there. 

Alex and Rose make her even more boring. They're both looking super edgy, and cool, and Lucy knows she's gonna look boring.

"Babe, we've got like 30 minutes until we leave." Rose tells her, eyebrows raised. Lucy just shrugs and sets her stuff down. 

"Come here I want to make you gorgeous." Alex says pulling at her ankle, making her fall on the floor.

They go on and on about how great the concert will be. Lucy stays quiet the whole time, studying what Alex is doing. She's using white and black for the eyes and red for the lips. 'Great.' She thinks. "Done!" Alex finally exclaims after ten minutes. 

Lucy looks and smiles. Alex did sort of a smokey eye, but nothing too intense. Also the colors match her outfit perfectly. 

Speaking of which she needs to change. 

She's wearing high waisted, acid wash shorts, a black tank, and black and red flannel that'll be tied around her hips. It seems pointless to her, but Alex and Rose think it looks good. Her lucky combat boots also work, so that makes her happy. The outfit is finished with a black snapback. 

If she had a whole closet like this, that'd be heaven. 

Alex makes them leave five minutes early to get there on time. It's a twenty minute car ride to the arena, and Lucy, again, hasn't talked. 

"Luc, talk to us! Aren't you excited?" Rose asks, looking at her through the car mirror. Lucy grins. 

"Sorry, sorry. I am actually excited. Really excited." She says and sighs. Four days is long enough to learn how to love four boys. One boy per day. 

"Let's jam." Alex says out of no where and turns on What I Like About You. 

They headband and almost hit three cars on the way. 

"Well, we have to go where the 96.5 is set up selling merch to get tickets." Rose says as she gets out of the car. Lucy nods and Alex squeals. The station is set up near the front, ran by two guys and a girl, with tons of people surrounding it. 

"Oh! Rose and Alex!" A guy says, after he sees the girls. "And you must be the roommate, Lacy?"

"Lucy." She says and smiles slightly. 

"Sorry, I'm Mark. So here are your tickets." He hands each of them one. Row three? Lucy had never gotten this close. "Have a great time!" He says and grins. 

"Oh we will." Alex grins back and then pulls the other girls to the entrance. Finally.

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