Chapter 1

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"You are late! Oh my God, do you have an idea of what I have to go through? I mean, I know you are my master but I'm not being paid to cover up when you miss your schedule."

"Jesus, hyung did you die?"

"What? You, sardine! Don't tell me you just woke up?"

It's 10 AM in the morning and here he is, holding his phone being nagged by his older friend and family butler Jung Hoseok. He treats him the same regardless of their social status but sometimes he just wished for him to shut the fuck up for one second, he just talks too much.

"I attended a very boring meeting last night and totally forgot that I have another one today."

"That explains it huh? And you totally forgot that you've given them my number when I'm not even your secretary?"


"What yeah? You don't yeah me!" Hoseok scowled and Taehyung can just imagine how he looks. He has this silly triangle pout when he's mad and the thought of it made the younger snorts.

"Fine, I'm sorry! I'll tell them I won't be going today and stop bothering you if that's what's going to give you peace of mind."

"And look for a secretary! I'm so done being polite to people that I don't know when I'm not even paid to do it."

"Wow, such a money-hungry, Beta."

"Well, unlike you, I have plans of settling down with the love of my life Min Yoongi, which apparently, you can't relate cause you're dry as seaweeds."

"You don't even need money, that fucker is rich-rich."

"Still! Look for a secretary!"

"Okay, I will. Ten over ten, I got it."

"Just help me with the interview hyung, you know I don't like talking to people. Smelling their pheromones is exhausting enough."

Hoseok sighed on the other line and agreed to help because it's not like he has a choice. He's the master, and they are friends so it's a done deal.

Taehyung didn't waste any time and immediately logged on to post the advertisement on a job-hunt website. He was skeptical for two reasons. First, he is from a very well known Alpha family in Korea. Business tycoons, celebrities, name it. Their last name Kim is always followed by glitz and glamour. That means he needs to make sure that the person he will hire is trustworthy enough to keep their mouth shut and sign an NDA that's binding with the law.

Secondly, let's go back to the fact that he is an Alpha— a dominant one to be exact. For someone who just started his own clothing line two years ago, he knows that he has a lot to learn. Sure, it has been nothing but successful, but he has no plans of slowing down anytime soon. He also has a growing career as a singer now, as expected from someone extremely handsome and talented. Success is just stuck with him, practically printed on his forehead. Thus, he needs to keep his rut in check, otherwise, he'll be a father out of wedlock. Hell no.

So, he posted the requirements in bold characters, straight forward and no flowery words included.

Looking for a Personal Secretary. A competitive salary is a guarantee.



Knowledgeable in basic computer features.

A degree is a plus but not a necessity. I just need someone who's able to respond to emails and manage my schedules.

Lastly, and again, MUST BE A RECESSIVE

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