Chapter 3

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Jimin has been so used to sleeping alone for the longest time like it was his second nature so when he felt something warm enframing him, his immediate reaction was to squeal with shock. What. The. Fuck.


"What? What? What's wrong?!"

"What did we do? Why are we naked? And why does my body hurt? Oh my god! Did we— " Jimin covered his mouth to stop himself from spurting questions when a faint flashback crosses his brain as if his consciousness was mocking him, saying hell the fuck yeah, you did the birds and the bees.

Taehyung doesn't know what to say. How could he, when everything that happened from yesterday was a product of their heat and rut and in his case, you can add emotional constipation he's been suffering with so he settled with "are you okay, Jimin?"

I slept with my boss, yeah sure, I'm totally okay.

He didn't say that. No matter how shitty he thought the situation was, he knew that Taehyung didn't deserve his wrath.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" he apologized and bowed his head while sitting on the bed, his hands clutching the comforter to cover his chest.

"What? Hey... No. Don't be"

"I shouldn't have done that, I shouldn't have crossed the line. Oh my god, you are my boss! What did I do? I'm sorry, I'm really really sorry."

"Hey, look at me"

Jimin only shook his head and remained bowing.

"Jimin, look at me, please" he pleaded but the omega was unfazed. "Fine. Okay..." he took another breath before speaking, "Nothing has to change"


A big fat lie because in the back of his head, he wants to change a lot of things. Perhaps, he wanted to start dating his secretary who he was always attracted to from the start, and having a taste of passion they both shared yesterday, only intensifies the motion of the silly butterflies that won't stop swimming in his darn stomach.

"Just think of it as a medical aid. Yes! That's right. Medical aid, of course. You were in heat, I was in a rut, we both needed help and so we just did what we have to do as decent wolves slash humans. We just helped each other. That's how our biology works, there's nothing wrong with that. You shouldn't be sorry"

It was such a flimsy excuse that he nearly slapped his face right after, but Jimin unexpectedly bought it.

"R-right. We just helped each other" he repeated as if he was convincing himself with the rationale presented to him by Taehyung.

"Exactly" he retorts, relieved that the omega is no longer blaming himself. "Let's eat breakfast. Feel free to use the bathroom while I prepare."

"Okay" Jimin whispered. He seemed more at ease now than what he was when he woke up, letting go of the sheets that he used to cover himself up to proceed to the bathroom. When he did, Taehyung didn't miss the marks that bloomed on Jimin's pale skin that has turned a lovely shade of red and purple. He had some on his chest, neck and he's sure that there must be more in other parts of the omega's fragile body.

Taehyung also noticed the swollen buds of Jimin that made his dick twitch in an instant, his morning wood saying hello beneath the blankets. Fuck. He wanted to reach for Jimin so bad and go for another round, but how? Just, how?

The moment his secretary was out of sight, he hurriedly made his way to the other bathroom to take care of his alive, awake, and enthusiastic boner.

Weeks passed and the two decided not to talk about what happened between them. Their relationship remained professional, Jimin keeping himself level-headed, and Taehyung, well, he's had his thoughts that's been occurring way too many times but he had it concealed safely on the farthest corner of his problematic brain. Only entertaining such on late nights.

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