Chapter 5

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Over the past few months, Taehyung and Jimin have been living under the same roof with much ease. They've agreed to sleep together which in their case, the master's bedroom since the bed is large enough to fit them comfortably and also being in close proximity allows the alpha to take care of his omega better during his morning sickness. It has come to a point where his body goes on autopilot every 7 AM to wake up and check if Jimin is okay. Today, he rose to hearing a quiet sniffle, obviously trying to suppress his cries and that was enough for Taehyung to rush to the restroom.

"Jimin-ah? Hey, what happened?"

Jimin only shook his head, sitting on the toilet bowl, "Nothing... I don't know. I'm sorry."

Taehyung felt a stab in his chest from hearing how vulnerable Jimin sounded, his voice breaking. He kneeled in front of him, and cupped his face, noticing how pink his cheeks have become and his nose is now red and the pout, god, it has officially become Taehyung's weakness.

"Hey, it's not nothing. You can tell me. Please tell me."

"No, it's nothing."

"If you don't tell me, our baby will be sad too," he said and gave an understanding smile to his partner. He didn't know where it came from, surely, he doesn't know if there was even a slight truth to that, but he said it anyway.

"I-I'm getting bigger... and my toes... it's getting bigger too. I won't fit in my clothes anymore." Jimin finally shared what's causing him the devastation. Meanwhile, Taehyung finds him extremely adorable. He couldn't help but thumb Jimin's soft cheeks.

"We bought your maternity clothes. It's okay, Jimin-ah''

"I know but I still feel sad and I don't know why"

"Ah, I've read that pregnancy makes people emotional. It's all good, I'm here and our baby is here" Taehyung assured rubbing Jimin's tummy when they felt a sudden movement making them both gasp from surprise.

"Oh my God?! Did you feel that?" He asked, looking at Jimin, his eyes sparkled in delight. "Do it again munchkin, appa is here." Taehyung talked fondly, rubbing the omega's belly again waiting for another movement.

Jimin's heart feels content and his emotions are way too complex to perceive. One second, he was damn sad, and now seeing how happy Taehyung is, he's suddenly feeling the same happiness transmitting to his brain. He honestly couldn't keep up.

"Come on, angel give appa one more kick, please"

They both waited with hopes of having another glorious moment to no avail.

"I guess the baby just moved to find a better sleeping position." Jimin broke the silence, ruffling Taehyung's hair to comfort him since the disappointment is clear in his expression.

"Kim Chi" broke my heart.

"Kim Chi?"

"My child," Taehyung said simply.

"Our child and you're not naming him Kim Chi" Jimin protested.

"But our child is a Kim and Chi is a cute name, plus Kimchi is delicious!"


Taehyung sighed accepting the defeat, "Okay, you still have a few months to think about it."

Their day goes by with Jimin laying on the bed resting because he doesn't feel like doing anything today for some weird reason. He was always busy going around stuff, cooking, baking, and managing Taehyung's schedule but this day would be an exemption. His alpha spoiled him by ordering the food that he wanted to eat and making homemade popcorn to munch while he watched the notebook for the hundredth time and Tae stayed in the music room doing his compositions.

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