Chapter 4

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It has been a hectic schedule for the two after they have come to terms that they're now a soon to be parents. Taehyung had been more hardworking than ever while Jimin tried his best to help out as his secretary. It wasn't exactly easy because the morning sickness wouldn't leave him alone to the point where Taehyung banned him from waking up early to make breakfast.

"God, why is pregnancy so complicated?"

"I'm the one puking my intestines out, why are you complaining?" Jimin answered before retching on the toilet bowl while Taehyung rubs his back to comfort him.

"I'm not complaining. I'm just horrified, okay? It's hard seeing you like that."

Jimin straightened his back to stand up, flushing the toilet, and stepped towards the sink to brush his teeth.

"Are you okay now?' Taehyung asked worriedly. It's been roughly a week since they started living together and he just couldn't get used to seeing Jimin struggling, helpless.

The omega only nods, his eyes are still glimmering from the tears.

"I'm sorry"

"Hmm?" Jimin can only hum in a rising intonation since he is still brushing his teeth.

"If it wasn't for me, you... you wouldn't be— "

He was cut off by Jimin who spat and gargled quickly. "You said it yourself, Taehyung-ah, this is meant to happen. Don't mop like that, you big puppy" he ruffled Taehyung's hair smiling bright, so bright that the alpha was enamored.

"Okay, let me buy you new clothes at least."


"Your tummy will get bigger soon, you won't fit in your clothes."

"Are you saying I'm fat?"

"Oh my God, I didn't say any of that!" Taehyung defended himself aggressively.

Jimin chuckled, that melodious laugh like wind chimes that never fail to relax Taehyung's stiffness every time. "I was kidding, loosen up, master" he teased.

"It's cause you say it as if being fat would make you any less cute"

Then there was an awkward silence.

Sure they reached the point where they were comfortable enough to call each other nicknames, crack jokes, and such, but flirting wasn't part of the list yet. They've never talked about feelings, thus leaving them with a painstakingly unwieldy ball game.

Taehyung cleared his throat instead, he'd probably do anything to stir the mood at this rate, "come on, let's eat and shop" then he walked out as fast as he could like a criminal trying to escape the cops leaving the baffled omega.

"What are we doing here?" Jimin whispered yell.

"Told you I'm gonna buy your clothes didn't I?"

"I know, but you didn't tell me that you'll buy it here!"

"And I don't see the problem?"

"This is Gucci, Taehyung! Of course, it's a problem!"

"Huh? Should we move to Chanel?"

"What?! No!"

Taehyung doesn't get it. What on earth does Jimin want exactly? How can he not like Gucci? He was borderline offended and weirded out because that's his favorite brand we're talking about here. The brand that he has been accustomed to even before he started his own line and yet, he's seeing the look of disgust from Jimin? Just why?

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