Chapter 2

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It's been a week since Jimin started working as a secretary. Never did he imagine that he'd get such a blessing and he was beyond grateful for the opportunity. Maybe that was the reason why he was purposely preparing for more food than he was supposed to. Always bringing an extra bento or sandwich, and offering it to his boss. Maybe that's what it is, instead of the silly voice he's hearing in his head gushing over how Taehyung looked so good, how his voice sounds so nice and his smell? The best.

Yeah. He was just grateful. Nothing else-or so he thought.

"I hope he's not allergic to anchovies. I should have asked him if he was... but then... It'd be too obvious that I am preparing it for him."

Living alone in his tiny apartment, Jimin is so used to talking to himself. Today, he was battling whether he should bring his boss a bento with Myeolchi Bokkeum, a Korean side dish made with stir-fried anchovies or should he just bring a sandwich. Although Taehyung has been nothing but kind towards him, he still doesn't have the courage to initiate small talks and just silently admire him from the corners of his work station. Thus, leaving him with no idea of what are the food that the alpha likes, and should avoid if there's any.

And yes, Jimin will use any other word to justify the rapid beat of his heart except for crush.

"Okay, I'll bring him a bento and sandwich, in case he's allergic. Yeah... I should do that."

That's how Jimin ended up bringing too much food for the day, ensuring that the bento is neatly wrapped in a Furoshiki scarf, making it presentable. To be fair, Taehyung paid him in advance which helped him a lot in budgeting, letting him do his groceries and buy supplies that he pretty much doubled now because he cooks for two people since you know-he's grateful and stuff. Right.

Today, his shift won't be in their business office but in Taehyung's apartment because he is scheduled to write a new song so Jimin will be with him in the music room. Being a secretary, he has been given the lock code of the door so he can easily let himself in without problems.

Now that he's in the elevator, he's realizing how twisted his faith had been. Three weeks ago, he would have never imagined seeing himself working for one of the chaebols from the Kim Empire but here he goes, marching his way inside.

"Master? I'm sorry! I meant, Taehyung?" He called since he's not seeing any sign of him in the living room. He then decided to go to the kitchen to put his bento box on the countertop and also check if the alpha is there but it was empty.

"I guess he must be in the music room" so Jimin thought he should go there too and start organizing Taehyung's tasks, surprisingly, that too is empty.

"Did he go out?" he mumbled to himself and started turning on one of the computers from the music room when he heard a crashing sound from what seems to be the master's bedroom. Without thinking, he quickly ran his way to see what's going on. He didn't even care about the possibility of someone mugging the place at the same time that he was in, he simply doesn't care about his own safety.

He twisted the cold knob from his hand to open the door and entered without hesitation. The first thing he noticed is the disheveled sheets and the lampshade that fell from the bedside table. Then in a span of two seconds, his senses suddenly felt strange and the scent, oh my god, the scent is so strong that he can almost see the color. It was musky, with a bottom note of citrus, bergamot, and rose that delivers a combination of sweet and floral aroma, Jimin was hypnotized. His feet moved involuntarily following the smell that lingers in his nostrils and that's when his eyes landed on Taehyung, plopped down on the floor.


"Don't- don't come near me."

"Are you okay?"

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