Chapter 6

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Taehyung is beyond exhausted. It's a miracle that he still managed to make it out of his office alive after several meetings he had to attend for his business, his album, and yes, that one conversation he had with Yoongi. Now that he's inside the elevator, all he wanted is to lay on his bed and squish the cheeks of his omega and drown himself in his delicious scent of peaches with lemon and blends of violet that sometimes gives an impression of strawberry too, it is without a doubt the best smell of all. Come to think of it, Jimin hasn't texted him the whole day so he wonders what could he be up to.

He pressed the code to open the door and immediately noticed the absence of sound from his apartment. It was dead silent and the lights were off too. He sniffed the air, searching for Jimin's pheromones and when he could barely trace it, his footsteps quickened heading to their room, panic surges with every ticking of the clock.


He called once, twice, and thrice unanswered.

His chest is heavy and anxiety creeps to every corner of his brain that he can't think straight. His room, like the rest of the apartment, is empty too but what's even worse is him finding out that Jimin's clothes and suitcase are gone. He took his phone and dialed his mate's phone number with his trembling fingers but none of his attempts were successful, all he hears is just a single beeping tone, not even a voicemail then the line gets disconnected.

He paced back and forth, eyebrows drawing together. At some point, he forced himself to sit on the edge of his bed to look at his fidgety hands that won't settle, and that's when he saw a small sticky note next to the baby shoes that they bought. Quickly, he picked it up, his spark of hope not even lasting for a minute when he read Jimin's message.

"Thank you for trying, Taehyung. You're free now."

Taehyung's face turned pallid, a sudden coldness hit his core losing his strength to even stand straight. All he could muster is that Jimin is gone. His omega is gone. His mate is gone.What could have possibly happened? Where did he go wrong? He repeats this question numerous times, running a hand through his hair. He is certain that they are okay, they didn't fight or anything, they get along really well, their relationship is healthy, then again, was it all in his imagination? Were they really okay? Soon, his legs gave up on him, collapsing on the carpeted floor.

Then the realization hits Taehyung like a shock of electricity awakening his consciousness. The discussion that he had with Yoongi had given him a weighed down feeling for some reason he can't explain especially when he smelled Jimin which he brushed off immediately since there's no way he could be right, he completely thought that he was just worn out so his inner alpha was forming some sort of coping mechanism but then now that he's thinking about it, he's realizing that his senses could not go wrong. Not when it's about Jimin.

"He heard us. Fuck. He heard us!"

Taehyung took a deep breath and let it out again slowly. With his wilting posture, he dialed Hoseok's number for a reason he isn't entirely sure about. Maybe he needs help, maybe he just needs someone who could listen, or maybe it's both.

"Yes, Tae? Hey? Tae? You there?"


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