chapter one | Ashton's autographed All Time Low album

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4:54 PM



Ashton walked into the McDonald's down the street, sighing as he looked at the empty restaurant early that afternoon. He began to look at all the tables, looking for his precious autographed 'Don't Panic' album by All Time Low. He searched all of the tables at least three times each. He probably looked like an idiot pacing in front of all the dirty tables, but he didn't give two shits at this point.

He sighed as he sat down in one particular small booth, taking in the smell of grease and chicken nuggets as all he felt was defeat and regret.

It was the same booth he and Briana shared their first date at. They were fifteen and had to be dropped off by their mums. They went to McDonald's because Ashton couldn't afford to take her anywhere nice and his mum refused to lend him any money because the date was 'from the heart'. Thinking about everything put him in a deep trance about the moment years before.

APRIL 2ND, 2009

"Mum, stop!" Ashton whined as his mum began to exit the car behind him, fixing her blazer and perfectly curled hair. "I don't need you spying on my first date!"

"Mrs Wallace and I are going to sit at a different tables. We're gonna - um - watch over you two!" his mum replied, walking over to Ashton and attempted to fix his side-swept, fringe-like hair, but her son refusing and swatting her hand away.

"That's what spying is, mum!" Ashton blared out, throwing his hands up in the air as he attempted to fix his hair without a mirror, making it look even worse than it did before. He dug his fists into his jean pockets, trying his best effect to look good and cool for once.

"We won't bother you," Mrs Irwin stated as she hoisted her purse up her arm, making it rest on the gape of her elbow as she began walking behind her son. "I promise."

Ashton grunted softly as they both walked through the glass and metal door, turning seeing Briana and her mum sitting at a corner table, waiting Ashton and Mrs Irwin to arrive.

Ashton's mood lightened up as he saw Briana's sparkling smile. He plastered a genuine smile on his face, making her mimic his actions. They both made each other happy. They fit together like two pieces of a broken heart.

It was their very first date. They've liked each other since pre-kindergarten, but Briana wasn't allowed to date until she was fifteen. Briana turning fifteen just last week, Ashton made his long-awaited first move. He planned it out perfectly. He bought her flowers and asked her in the middle of the hallway in front of all their friends. It was perfect to both of them.

"Hi," he greeted her, extending his arms open for a hug as Briana did the same, engulfing Ashton into her small arms.

"Hi Ashton," Briana smiled against his chest, being extremely short compared to him. Ashton smiled back down at her, making her cheeks begin to burn and turn bright pink.

Ashton then pulled away from Briana, turning to her mum and putting on a delicate smile.. "Hi Mrs Wallace!" he cheered with his greeting.

"Hi Mrs. Irwin," Briana greeted to the other mother awkwardly. Briana had never been very good around strangers, but it was just one more of the million things Ashton thought was cute about her.

The two women both greeted back the children as they made their way to the table in the other corner, pulling out their purses and beginning to talk.

"I saw your mum trying to fix your hair outside," Briana giggled, peering up into Ashton's hazel eyes that were covered in his tangled, golden locks.

"Oh," Ashton blushed as he then ran one of his hands through his hair, pushing it out of his face.

"Yeah," Briana awkwardly stated, putting her hands in her pockets and looking down. "It was cute," she smiled weakly, making Ashton smile down at her.

"So, wanna get something to eat?" Ashton smiled, turning away from their mothers as he dug his fists into his sweatshirt pocket. "I've got twelve dollars and seventy-two cents to spend," Ashton remarked with a small smirk.

Briana rolled her eyes and laughed, making Ashton feel his cheeks tingle and heart flutter. "I'd love to, Ashton."


Ashton was so upset that he fucked up. Briana was everything to him and a stupid misconception made him lose a bunch of valuable stuff and his girlfriend.

He put his elbows on the small table, sighing to himself softly as he straightened his knees underneath the short table. His left knee then hit something.

Ashton felt everything in his body get put together. Excitement and relief rushed through his veins as he leaned over to glance underneath the table. He smiled as he saw his album taped underneath the table along with some different colored gum pieces.

He pulled his album off of the bottom of the table along with the tape. There was another note attached on it, Ashton yanking the small piece of paper off the album cover and unfolding it.

'Congrats, you're intelligent enough to remember our first date! But you probably cheated your way into finding your stupid album, too.

Your next clue is our first kiss. You'll find your laptop there. Have fun!

Briana xo

P.S. All Time Low sucks'

Ashton struggled to remember where that was. They had kissed thousands of times, but he just didn't remember where the first one was.

He stood up from the table, beginning to walk out of McDonald's and towards his car. That's when the memory came to his head. And that is also when he realized that he won't be seeing that laptop anytime soon.


i have such good things planned for this and this is such a sucky chapter but ugh so excited

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- bella your young grasshopper

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